DavidBrenner3 / VMUB

A tool for testing boot configurations on USB drives
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VB 6.1 --Startvm is an option for the VB runner NOT the VB mannager #15

Open RustyMan22 opened 10 months ago

RustyMan22 commented 10 months ago

I updated my VB to 6.1 and i am getting this error upon hitting start button.

--startvm is an option for the VirtualBox VM runner (VirtualBoxVM) application, not the VirtualBox Manager.

On older version of VB utility works

steve6375 commented 10 months ago

Doesn't work with VB6 see #6

RustyMan22 commented 10 months ago

Issue can be fixed in your utility by replacing VirtualBox.exe with VirtualBoxVM.exe Options - VirtualBox Tab - Exe path == ..../VirtualBoxVM.exe

Manager button will no longer work