DavidBruant / social-network-problems

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online harassement - blocklists #4

Open DavidBruant opened 3 years ago

DavidBruant commented 3 years ago

Online Harassment and Content Moderation: The Case of Blocklists https://www.cc.gatech.edu/~sjhaver3/blocklists.pdf

DavidBruant commented 3 years ago

My take-aways from this article:

This mechanismcould also be adapted to improve the accuracy of blocklists that are curated for purposes other than addressing harassment, e.g., spam blocklists.

Ostrom writes that “graduated punishments ranging from insignificant fines all the way to banishment,applied in settings in which the sanctioners know a great deal about the personal circumstances ofthe other appropriators and the potential harm that could be created by excessive sanctions, may befar more effective than a major ne imposed on a first offender”