DavidBuchanan314 / Turbo-Recadmiumator

A remake of truedread/netflix-1080p which auto-patches cadmium-playercore at runtime to enable enhanced playback features. (NOTE: still working in 2024 😎)
MIT License
154 stars 18 forks source link

Install in Safari #6

Open kczempinski opened 3 months ago

kczempinski commented 3 months ago

Any possibility to support Safari on Mac OS?

DavidBuchanan314 commented 3 months ago

I don't have any macos systems in my daily rotation so I can't commit to maintaining safari support, but PRs would be accepted

DavidBuchanan314 commented 3 months ago

But, I would question the need for it? Doesn't Safari get you 4K by default?

kczempinski commented 3 months ago

Yes, 4k works by default, but surround sound does not. I used Boom3D for Netflix ( https://apps.apple.com/pl/app/boom3d-5-1-audio-for-netflix/id6445882848?l=pl&mt=12 ) but now I receive the same error (UI3013)

kczempinski commented 3 months ago

I found a solution to temporarily load the script into Safari:

  1. Enable developer options in Safari
  2. Edit line 31 in cadmium-playercore-shim.js as below var cadmium_url = "https://assets.nflxext.com/en_us/ffe/player/html/cadmium-playercore-6.0044.268.911.js"
  3. Check Disable cross-origin restrictions in developer settings
  4. Play any video on Netflix
  5. From the menu click Develop -> Show Page Source
  6. Find cadmium script in Sources

  7. Right-click the script and select Create Response Local Override
  8. Click Import or Map to File and paste the content of the modified cadmium-playercore-shim.js or point to the file
  9. Repeat steps 3-8 after every Safari restart