DavidBurela / say-my-name

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[Spike] Investigation of audio storage options #3

Open jmostella opened 3 years ago

jmostella commented 3 years ago

Discussed options to research:

  1. Directly upload audio against AAD attribute
  2. Upload audio to user's OneDrive, generate a link and then upload the link against AAD custom attribute (text)
  3. MS stream, same concept as 2.

Plan here is to do the following:

DavidBurela commented 3 years ago

W3C spec, reference links

Sample code for a standalone page

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <p>Click to hear speech.</p>
    <button onclick="blah()">Click me!</button>
        function blah() {
            // new SpeechSynthesisUtterance object
            let utter = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
            utter.lang = 'ja-JP';
            utter.text = '大輔';
            utter.volume = 2;
            // speak
DavidBurela commented 3 years ago

Need to validate how to mark up text to define phonetics