DavidFaulkenberry / LEDDesignProject

BME 590 Individual Design Project
1 stars 0 forks source link

Milestone 4 Review #8

Open DavidFaulkenberry opened 5 years ago

DavidFaulkenberry commented 5 years ago

Sorry for not creating an issue earlier! I should have JPGs and original files for the schematic and PCB board under Electronics, with the parts used under docs. I'm not confident that I used the vias correctly to establish a ground plane on the bottom layer, but I did my best to troubleshoot with Altium resources online. Please also let me know if the used parts look correct, some I couldn't match exactly to those listed on github, but I tried to stay with the right sizes or company. Thanks!!

sphaerobolus commented 5 years ago

A couple of us have tried to open your .pcbdoc but have not been able to do so. something went wrong in the upload?

The .jpg image of your pcb looks like you're on the right track. You seem to be able to get it done in one layer, which is fine. the 2x4 header footprint won't work well for the MCU. (I assume you're putting a Tiny of some sort there?) You'll want to use the correct footprint. Our Tinys are surface mount. I can't remember the exact footprint, and I'm at home and can't check at the moment.