DavidFeldhoff / al-codeactions

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Creation of procedure in report failed (this.memberAttributes is not iterable) #105

Closed wbrakowski closed 3 years ago

wbrakowski commented 3 years ago

Hi David, I tried to create a procedure in a very simple report and got the following error message. Please ignore the nonsense code, this is just a quick and dirty correction report.


`report 50100 "PO Correction" { Caption = 'Purchase Order Correction'; ProcessingOnly = true;

    dataitem(Header; "Purchase Header")
        DataItemTableView = where ("Document Type" = filter(Order));
        RequestFilterFields = "No.";

        trigger OnPreDataItem()
            CorrectHeadersQst: Label 'Do you want to correct purchase order %1';
            if Confirm(StrSubstNo(CorrectHeadersQst, GetFilters())) then


} `

Kind regards, Waldemar

DavidFeldhoff commented 3 years ago

Hi Waldemar, I could reproduce it and it must have to do something with the latest update. I'll check it and update it. Thanks for the quick info!

DavidFeldhoff commented 3 years ago

Okay, that was a quick fix, but it shouldn't happen as it stopped nearly each function. The more I'm thankful that you created the issue that fast. That shouldn't happen of course. I have to find out why it slipped through my unit tests. Thanks!

NKarolak commented 3 years ago

I can confirm it's solved ;-)

wbrakowski commented 3 years ago

Nice to hear that it is solved now. Have a nice week :-)