DavidGarciaCat / php-nudity-image-detector

Analyse and flag images as nudity or porn. Please be advised a human review and moderation is always recommended.
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link

Doesn't work properly #1

Closed khokonm closed 2 years ago

khokonm commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm really excited about your project. But it's not working properly. Sometimes, it gives normal images a score above 60, and most of the time, the score for an adult image is below 60. I appreciate your hard work. Thanks Khokon

DavidGarciaCat commented 2 years ago

Hello @khokonm

Thank you for your kind words. However, as you can read in the README file, this is not my work, and I don't plan to take any credit for it

PHP code by Bakr Alsharif from Egypt:

Either for good or for bad, the "nude detector" logic works trying to "match skin colour", so if you use pictures where there are tons of blue, red, green... those will get flagged as "non-nudity" images because people's skin doesn't have any of those colours. On the other hand, any image with more "skin-like colour" might return a false positive even if that's not nudity.

This code must be used as an initial filter but a manual review is always required to ensure no one submits and uploads to your projects any illegal content.

Warm regards,

DavidGarciaCat commented 2 years ago

By the way, you can try this other project too


Maybe it gives you better results