DavidGolodetsky / GeekScore

A PWA for board games fans. It allows you to store your games, create teams, and collect statistics. It's built with MEVN stack, using Vue.js 2 and Vuetify.
MIT License
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Lazy load RoundsTable tabs #206

Open DavidGolodetsky opened 2 years ago

DavidGolodetsky commented 2 years ago

Actual: When a user lands on the rounds page and he has some rounds there, the TheBarsChart.vue and TheTendenciesChart.vue components are loaded immediately, although user hasn't touched the tabs.


Expected: Only when user changes the tab the corresponding component should be loaded via dynamic imports.

Tech notes: You can check the desired behaviour if you'll place a v-if directive on the actions slot. Then once it's truthy the component will be fetched via dynamic imports. You can also make use of webpack magic comments to identify a chunk. GamesEditDialog: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'GamesEditDialog' */ '@/components/GamesEditDialog.vue')