Wondering if is it known where the data used to generate the little graphic showing the correct insertion position of the target chip, and/or which adapter to use, is obtained from in the Windows software.
Is this something available from the programmer? It would be handy for peace-of-mind to be able to query this information, e.g., perhaps as ASCII art from "minipro -d".
As is I am running the Windows tool in a VM and using it to look at the graphic, then doing the actual operation from the Linux tool. That said, I only just got my TL866CS today, and every chip I have tried thus far says to just insert it at the top, so if this is missing because it's actually always that way that would make sense. And the need is probably mitigated after you've run all the common chips through it a bunch of times and you just remember. Still could be handy to have some kind of graphic or at least text-based note so those of us just starting out with the programmer and who don't have a Windows machine handy don't have to find a way to run the manufacturer's software just to get the little picture. Or at least be able to obtain the raw data from the tool so we can write our own script to pretty-print it as we like. I would be happy to do that part myself if there's a way to get the data without a deep dive into the USB protocol.
In GitLab by @rogueeve on Aug 31, 2023, 20:20
Wondering if is it known where the data used to generate the little graphic showing the correct insertion position of the target chip, and/or which adapter to use, is obtained from in the Windows software.
Is this something available from the programmer? It would be handy for peace-of-mind to be able to query this information, e.g., perhaps as ASCII art from "minipro -d".
As is I am running the Windows tool in a VM and using it to look at the graphic, then doing the actual operation from the Linux tool. That said, I only just got my TL866CS today, and every chip I have tried thus far says to just insert it at the top, so if this is missing because it's actually always that way that would make sense. And the need is probably mitigated after you've run all the common chips through it a bunch of times and you just remember. Still could be handy to have some kind of graphic or at least text-based note so those of us just starting out with the programmer and who don't have a Windows machine handy don't have to find a way to run the manufacturer's software just to get the little picture. Or at least be able to obtain the raw data from the tool so we can write our own script to pretty-print it as we like. I would be happy to do that part myself if there's a way to get the data without a deep dive into the USB protocol.