DavidKinder / Inform6

The latest version of the Inform 6 compiler, used for generating interactive fiction games.
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Add `$IGNORE_INLINE_COMPILER_SETTINGS` compiler setting #275

Open heasm66 opened 3 months ago

heasm66 commented 3 months ago

only use options specified at command line, ignore definitions (inside story-file) of DEBUG,Grammar__Version, all!% definitions, and maybe a few more. As of now I think last defined gets precendence, but in my mind at least it is a bit unclear what will happen when there’s a conflict.

-i doesn't do this, does it? Could be an option otherwise.

erkyrath commented 3 months ago

This option seems like it would only add to the confusion.

The precedence is currently:

It would be more intuitive if command-line options took precedence over !% lines and everything else. However, the way Inform parsing is set up, this would be ugly to implement.