DavidMStraub / homeassistant-homeconnect

Custom component for Home Assistant to connect appliances supporting the Home Connect standard
MIT License
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"start_program" does not work with example data #130

Open asev opened 2 years ago

asev commented 2 years ago

I get this error: expected a list for dictionary value @ data['options']. Got None

Example data should look like this

service: home_connect_beta.start_program
  entity_id: switch.dishwasher_power
  program: Dishcare.Dishwasher.Program.Auto2
    - key: BSH.Common.Option.StartInRelative
      value: 1800
      unit: seconds

instead of

service: home_connect_beta.start_program
  entity_id: switch.dishwasher_power
  program: Dishcare.Dishwasher.Program.Auto2
  option_key: BSH.Common.Option.StartInRelative
  option_value: 1800
  option_unit: seconds
DavidMStraub commented 2 years ago

Right! Would be grateful for a PR!