DavidReider / MagicEdenFloorTrack

A simple floor price tracker for Magic Eden.
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How to mint NFT in Magic Eden by web3 or rpc #10

Closed needman0914 closed 2 years ago

needman0914 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your project. I want to mint NFT in Magic Eden by web3 or rpc. As you know we can mint NFT by web3 in Candy Machine. Like this way, How can i do in Magic Eden?

DavidReider commented 2 years ago

Hi @needman0914 ! Thank you for your enquiry. I do not have experience creating NFTs and am not affiliated with Magic Eden, so while I do not directly know the answer to your question, I was able to find something after a quick online search.

Please refer to this article and see if this provides the answers you're looking for.

Best Wishes