DavidReider / MagicEdenFloorTrack

A simple floor price tracker for Magic Eden.
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Get Images from API and Style Table #2

Open DavidReider opened 2 years ago

DavidReider commented 2 years ago

We would love to pull images in for the collection to display next to the collection name.

The table is basically default styles with a border. We would love for this to be styled a bit more as well and searchable/sortable by columns, etc.

Can use a library for styling.

WaterlessPiano2 commented 2 years ago

I recommend using react in the front end for easier management of states and quicker refreshes when different data is being shown.

For the table I would use https://react-table.tanstack.com/ to simplify sort, search filter. because these can get messy if you wanna code them from scratch.

For styling I would use Tailwind CSS because it comes with its own design pattern so you don't have to come up with it your self and its quick and easy to start and use. It has tons of tutorials and support online.

DavidReider commented 2 years ago

Hi @WaterlessPiano2 !

Thank you for the recommendations.

I actually have started to rewrite this in React! Check out this branch feat-react-revamp!

I can see converting it to the react-table library as well for that functionality, seems like it might be a good idea.

Tailwind also isn't a bad idea but I think this project is simplistic/minimal enough that it might not be necessary, but always a good shout!