DavidReider / MagicEdenFloorTrack

A simple floor price tracker for Magic Eden.
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Refactor Code #5

Closed DavidReider closed 2 years ago

DavidReider commented 2 years ago

As I am learning while coding, there is a lot of sloppy code going into the files.

It will be good to refactor the code to be consistent throughout.

For example, in api.js, some functions are using async/await and then some use .then()...

Additionally, can fix naming conventions, convert all functions to be the same style (arrow functions versus standard function syntax) and any other code cleanup.

WaterlessPiano2 commented 2 years ago

it looks good to me so far mate :)

DavidReider commented 2 years ago

Thanks! There are definitely improvements and consistency practices that could be made but I suppose that might be more important in the future. I'll close this for now and open something else in the future once there is more code :)