DavidSanSan110 / JadeTerminalSetup

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Agent MyAgent not declares in ClientBehaviour class but still used and works #1

Open lgomez15 opened 11 months ago

lgomez15 commented 11 months ago


DavidSanSan110 commented 11 months ago

In the context of a Java code using JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment Framework), when you extend a class that has a member variable named myAgent (e.g., extending the Behaviour class), you can use myAgent in your code without explicitly declaring it. This is due to inheritance and the way Java handles class hierarchies.

Inheritance allows a subclass to inherit the members (fields and methods) of its superclass. When you extend a class like Behaviour, which has a member variable myAgent, your subclass also has access to this member variable without needing to declare it again in the subclass.

Here's a simplified example to illustrate this concept:

class Behaviour {
    protected Agent myAgent;  // 'myAgent' is a member of Behaviour class

    public Behaviour(Agent agent) {
        this.myAgent = agent;

class CustomBehaviour extends Behaviour {
    public CustomBehaviour(Agent agent) {
        super(agent);  // Calls the superclass constructor to initialize 'myAgent'

    public void someMethod() {
        // You can use 'myAgent' here, inherited from the Behaviour class

class Agent {
    public void doSomething() {
        // Do something

In this example, CustomBehaviour extends Behaviour, which has a member variable myAgent. When you create an instance of CustomBehaviour, you can access myAgent inherited from the Behaviour class, without needing to declare it explicitly in CustomBehaviour.

This behavior is a fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming and inheritance in Java.

Certainly! You can refer to the JADE documentation for the Behaviour class to explore the attributes and methods provided by the Behaviour class in JADE. The documentation will give you a detailed overview of the class and its functionality within the JADE framework.