DavidSchuldenfrei / gtest-adapter

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Lists of tests stays empty #54

Open jaques-sam opened 4 years ago

jaques-sam commented 4 years ago

My tests are located pretty nicely in <repo_dir>/tests/*test.cpp and all have TEST(...) calls, yet the list of tests in the Google Test View stays empty. Nothing in the config gives the gtest-adapter a hint where to find the google tests, so I imagine it scans for the whole repository?

As I have different cmake settings for a target build, the unit tests are build within a separate directory. I have the feeling this has nothing to do with the problem.

mfdeveloper commented 2 years ago

+1 I have the same problem now. Someone can help us? 😢

zhangbo1882 commented 2 years ago


tvervest commented 1 year ago


arpit15 commented 2 weeks ago

Was anybody able to resolve the issue? I am still getting empty test list

jaques-sam commented 1 week ago

I got it working but forgot I made this issue :see_no_evil: The only thing I have in my settings which matters:

    "C_Cpp.default.compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json",

Not sure this will help!