DavidSouther / ailly

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Web view as "Prompt Engineering Tutor" #53

Closed DavidSouther closed 4 months ago

DavidSouther commented 5 months ago

There have been some questions about the Ailly web view, which was largely forgotten and left behind as I moved to focus on the CLI. I'd thought to bring it back a couple times, but never had a compelling use case (everything the CLI tool does, it does better than a web interface could). But there have been a lot of complaints and grumbling about the some prompt engineering courses which require Python Notebook experience and the Anthropic prompt engineering spreadsheet (I heard we hate spreadsheets?). I spent some time on a whiteboard poking and prodding what a good prompt engineering educational tool would look like, and I think we came up with a pretty solid outline.

Broadly, it's a choose your own adventure approach. Three columns: Left is selection boxes for "Role", "Tone", "Background" and other prompt engineering pieces. Center is the combined prompt - all the things you've chose, and your specific instructions. Right is the LLM response output.

When you first load, it's just the one input asking you for the instructions for the LLM. You type in your instructions (maybe we give a suggestion placeholder), then stream the response, and when the response is done, we show the first of the choices. You select a role (Tech Writer, Fiction Writer, Programmer?), and it fills that in to the prompt in the middle. Then, it runs the new request - and you see the new, updated response after it also has the role. (We should be seeing it get better and more specific.) As that response finishes, we show the next selection, the tone of the piece (Formal? Professional? Casual?). We repeat this for background information, examples, etc - each time the student gets guidance on what they could do, and see how the response changes.

As we finish our choose your own adventure, they can then play and edit it in context & go wild - or, start over and try again! This hits a niche that I haven't seen. (If you do know of an equivalent, please let me know!) Development will be coordinated on the Ailly issue tracker.

DavidSouther commented 5 months ago

I have the domain name ailly.dev for production.