DavidStrausz / cordova-plugin-live-ocr

A cordova plugin which provides live ocr scanning capabilities for Android and iOS using Tesseract
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ClassCastException: com.google.zxing.client.android.ViewFinderView #1

Open NBAMj opened 6 years ago

NBAMj commented 6 years ago

I'm getting the following exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.google.zxing.client.android.ViewfinderView cannot be cast to edu.sfsu.cs.orange.ocr.ViewfinderView at super.onCreate(icicle); in OcrActivity

Android Version: 7.1.1

NBAMj commented 6 years ago

I think this issue is related to phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner After removing the barcodescanner plugin the error did not show up.

However, another error is coming now on Android 7.1.1:

09-12 13:33:41.940 19511 19649 V LiveOcrPlugin: Successfully started scanner!
09-12 13:33:41.941 19511 19649 W PluginManager: THREAD WARNING: exec() call to LiveOcrPlugin.recognizeText blocked the main thread for 49ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPool().

I'm getting this issue on a real device, OnePlus3 Android 7.1.1 On an emulator with Android 7.0, there is no issue and the OcrActivity is running fine and showing camera screen.

I will do further testing and see what's going wrong.

DavidStrausz commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for opening an issue! Yes thats for sure because of a conflict with phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner because both of the plugins are based on googles zxing library.

You can ignore the THREAD WARNING, it is just a warning that some of the work should be done on a separate thread, you will see this warning in many plugins.

NBAMj commented 6 years ago

Thanks for prompt reply. I tested it on an emulator running Android 7.1.1 and it works perfectly, but I still can't get it run on my OnePlus3.

I'm now getting this log in logcat, it might give you a hint on what the problem is:

9-13 08:59:53.750  2008  2510 F google-breakpad: Microdump skipped (uninteresting)
09-13 08:59:53.770  2510  2510 W google-breakpad: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
09-13 08:59:53.770  2510  2510 W google-breakpad: Chrome build fingerprint:
09-13 08:59:53.770  2510  2510 W google-breakpad: 1.1.0
09-13 08:59:53.770  2510  2510 W google-breakpad: 10100
09-13 08:59:53.770  2510  2510 W google-breakpad: ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
09-13 08:59:53.771  2510  2510 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 2510 (ri.com.refuelme)
09-13 08:59:53.772   464   464 W         : debuggerd: handling request: pid=2510 uid=10501 gid=10501 tid=2510
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'OnePlus/OnePlus3/OnePlus3:7.1.1/NMF26F/08081156:user/release-keys'
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : pid: 2510, tid: 2510, name: ri.com.refuelme  >>> bahadiri.com.refuelme <<<
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x0   0000000000000000  x1   00000000000009ce  x2   0000000000000006  x3   0000000000000008
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x4   ffffffffffffffff  x5   0000000000000000  x6   0000000000808080  x7   6d686b1f2b6f6f62
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x8   0000000000000083  x9   ffffffffffffffdf  x10  0000000000000000  x11  0000000000000001
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x12  ffffffffffffffff  x13  000000008000002f  x14  0000007f98f9c378  x15  0000007f98f9c01c
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x16  0000007f98fb7ee0  x17  0000007f98f61984  x18  0000000000000000  x19  0000007f9aba6b40
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x20  0000000000000006  x21  0000007f9aba6a98  x22  0000000000000054  x23  d43143134620beb5
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x24  0000000000000005  x25  0000000000000000  x26  d43143134620beb5  x27  0000007f53994848
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     x28  0000007f4ef58080  x29  0000007ff4463540  x30  0000007f98f5ee14
09-13 08:59:53.862  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     sp   0000007ff4463520  pc   0000007f98f6198c  pstate 0000000060000000
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 000000000006b98c  /system/lib64/libc.so (tgkill+8)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0000000000068e10  /system/lib64/libc.so (pthread_kill+64)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 00000000000242e8  /system/lib64/libc.so (raise+24)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 000000000001cd54  /system/lib64/libc.so (abort+52)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 0000000000132768  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZNK7ERRCODE5errorEPKc16TessErrorLogCodeS1_z+360)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 000000000014caf0  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_Z14ReadSampleSizeP7__sFILE+80)
09-13 08:59:53.871  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 000000000015ff24  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract8Classify14ReadNormProtosEP7__sFILEx+148)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 0000000000141b94  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract8Classify22InitAdaptiveClassifierEb+1164)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 000000000022bba0  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract7Wordrec14program_editupEPKcbb+56)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 00000000000ed528  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract9Tesseract23init_tesseract_internalEPKcS2_S2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b+268)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 00000000000ecfe8  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract9Tesseract14init_tesseractEPKcS2_S2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b+392)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 000000000009f1d0  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (_ZN9tesseract11TessBaseAPI4InitEPKcS2_NS_13OcrEngineModeEPPciPK13GenericVectorI6STRINGESA_b+288)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #12 pc 000000000022d4c0  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/lib/arm64/libtess.so (Java_com_googlecode_tesseract_android_TessBaseAPI_nativeInitOem+136)
09-13 08:59:53.872  2010  2010 F DEBUG   :     #13 pc 0000000000bea6a8  /data/app/bahadiri.com.refuelme-1/oat/arm64/base.odex (offset 0xb06000)
09-13 08:59:53.940  3518  3835 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3): onSignalStrengthsChanged signalStrength=SignalStrength: 99 0 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 30 -91 -15 174 2147483647 2147483647 4 4 gsm|lte level=4 voicelevel=4 datalevel=4
09-13 08:59:53.946  3518  3835 I NetworkController.MobileSignalController(3):  showDisableIcon:true
09-13 08:59:54.542  2916  3010 W WindowManager: App freeze timeout expired.
09-13 08:59:54.542  2916  3010 W WindowManager: Force clearing freeze: AppWindowToken{e3d3b81 token=Token{e788b68 ActivityRecord{8271e8b u0 bahadiri.com.refuelme/at.ventocom.liveocr.OcrActivity t12774}}}

Also, is there a way to get both plugins to work togther, your plugin + phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner ?