DavidVan / MicroMouse

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Max Speed #5

Open mrtbaggins95 opened 7 years ago

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

SK 3/4/2017-Calculate the max speed based on the 28BYJ-48. Datasheet listed below. http://robocraft.ru/files/datasheet/28BYJ-48.pdf

jennipurfur commented 7 years ago

important functions for stepper motor, to set speed, etc http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/classAccelStepper.html#ae79c49ad69d5ccc9da0ee691fa4ca235

jennipurfur commented 7 years ago

1 rev = 4096 steps 1 full step = 64, which is 5.6 degrees arc length = .3839

jennipurfur commented 7 years ago

3000 steps per block which is 18cm

jennipurfur commented 7 years ago

maxspeed(640) setspeed(320) moveto(3000)