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Turn Subroutines #7

Open mrtbaggins95 opened 7 years ago

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

Code the subroutines in C or C++, for all directions. See pseudo code for guidelines.

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

AccelStepper Library: http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/arduino/AccelStepper/index.html

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago


mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

Issue: Not knowing how long to run a subroutine for and how to implement it Suggested Solution: Implementation of a timer to run a specified interval for the subroutine; delay command

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

Turn subroutines will be tested on Saturday (5/27), with no implementation of the URS sensor yet.

mrtbaggins95 commented 7 years ago

Change functions of turn subroutines. Please reference AccelStepper.h functions. Suggested is the moveto() function and change set max speed().