DavidVentura / cam-reverse

46 stars 11 forks source link

Minicamera A9 detected but not logged #17

Closed anddag closed 2 months ago

anddag commented 2 months ago

I've ha minicam A9. Running the tool I see the camera name: BATD..... but don't see the video in web browser. I believe that there is some difference in login protocol. In attachment there are the screenshot and the file captured with wireshark. The camera has IP (AP Mode). The pc has ip a9_debug_issue.zip

adrcunha commented 2 months ago

And of course I couldn't capture the 0xff50 command this time...

tcpdump: https://we.tl/t-sBeOus51cM

$ node dist/bin.cjs pair --ssid ...
2024-05-03T13:26:54.794Z [info] Will configure any devices found to join XXXX
2024-05-03T13:26:54.809Z [info] Searching for devices on
2024-05-03T13:26:54.810Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:26:54.953Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:26:54.954Z [info] Discovered camera FTYB492321INQAX at
2024-05-03T13:26:54.954Z [trace] >> P2pRdy
2024-05-03T13:26:55.019Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:55.019Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:26:55.019Z [trace] << P2pRdy
2024-05-03T13:26:55.020Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 0
2024-05-03T13:26:55.020Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:26:55.028Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:26:55.028Z [debug] Removing 0 from pending
2024-05-03T13:26:55.029Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:55.029Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:26:55.202Z [trace] << Close
2024-05-03T13:26:55.202Z [debug] ^^ Close (f1f0) and it's not implemented yet
2024-05-03T13:26:56.157Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:56.557Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:56.958Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:57.360Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:57.760Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:57.810Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:26:57.812Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:26:57.812Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:26:58.161Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:58.561Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:58.960Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:59.362Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:26:59.762Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:00.162Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:00.564Z [trace] >> P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:00.564Z [info] Disconnected from camera FTYB492321INQAX at
2024-05-03T13:27:00.564Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX disconnected
2024-05-03T13:27:00.564Z [info] Press CONTROL+C if you're done setting up your cameras
2024-05-03T13:27:00.811Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:00.813Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:00.813Z [info] Discovered camera FTYB492321INQAX at
2024-05-03T13:27:00.814Z [trace] >> P2pRdy
2024-05-03T13:27:00.815Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:00.815Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:00.816Z [trace] << P2pRdy
2024-05-03T13:27:00.816Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 0
2024-05-03T13:27:00.816Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:00.826Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:00.826Z [debug] Removing 0 from pending
2024-05-03T13:27:00.826Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:00.826Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.001Z [trace] << Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.002Z [trace] >> DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.002Z [info] Logging in to camera FTYB492321INQAX
2024-05-03T13:27:01.002Z [info] Configuring camera FTYB492321INQAX
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 1
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [info] WiFi config for camera FTYB492321INQAX is done
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [info] Validating WiFi settings on FTYB492321INQAX
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 2
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [info] Asking FTYB492321INQAX to reboot
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 3
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.208Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:01.208Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Resending packet 1 as 4
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 4
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Resending packet 2 as 5
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 5
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Resending packet 3 as 6
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 6
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.318Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.318Z [debug] Removing 4 from pending
2024-05-03T13:27:01.319Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.319Z [debug] Removing 6 from pending
2024-05-03T13:27:01.541Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:01.541Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.810Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:01.810Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.815Z [debug] Resending packet 5 as 7
2024-05-03T13:27:01.815Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 7
2024-05-03T13:27:01.815Z [trace] >> Drw
2024-05-03T13:27:01.817Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.817Z [debug] Removing 7 from pending
2024-05-03T13:27:02.111Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:02.111Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:02.501Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:02.501Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:02.801Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:02.801Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:03.101Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:03.101Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:03.401Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:03.401Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:03.701Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:03.701Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:03.811Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:03.813Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:03.813Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:04.001Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:04.001Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:04.301Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:04.301Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:04.601Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:04.601Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:04.901Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:04.901Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:05.201Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:05.201Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:05.501Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:05.501Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:05.801Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:05.801Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:06.102Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:06.102Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:06.423Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:06.423Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:06.752Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:06.752Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:06.811Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:06.814Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:06.814Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:07.069Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:07.069Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:07.369Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:07.369Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:07.669Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:07.669Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:07.969Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:07.969Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:08.269Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:08.269Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:08.576Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:08.576Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:08.870Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:08.870Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:09.170Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:09.170Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:09.470Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:09.470Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:09.770Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:09.770Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:09.812Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:09.814Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:09.814Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:10.070Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:10.070Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:10.370Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:10.370Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:10.670Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:10.670Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:10.971Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:10.971Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:11.270Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:11.270Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:11.650Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:11.650Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:11.995Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:11.995Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:12.296Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:12.296Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:12.597Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:12.597Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:12.811Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:12.814Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:12.814Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:12.889Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:12.889Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:13.189Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:13.189Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:13.490Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:13.490Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:13.790Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:13.790Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:14.090Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:14.090Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:14.390Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:14.390Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:14.690Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:14.690Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:14.990Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:14.990Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:15.290Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:15.290Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:15.590Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:15.590Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:15.812Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:15.815Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:15.815Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:15.890Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:15.890Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:16.190Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:16.190Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:16.490Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:16.490Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:16.836Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:16.836Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:17.160Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:17.160Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:17.460Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:17.460Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:17.760Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:17.760Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:18.061Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:18.061Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:18.361Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:18.361Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:18.661Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:18.661Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:18.812Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:18.814Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:18.815Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:18.961Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:18.961Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:19.261Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:19.261Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:19.561Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:19.561Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:19.861Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:19.861Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:20.161Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:20.161Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:20.461Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:20.462Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:20.762Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:20.762Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:21.062Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:21.063Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:21.362Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:21.363Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:21.733Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:21.733Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:21.813Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:21.816Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:21.816Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:22.071Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:22.071Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:22.392Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:22.392Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:22.691Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:22.691Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:22.991Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:22.991Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:23.291Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:23.291Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:23.591Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:23.591Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:23.891Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:23.891Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:24.191Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:24.191Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:24.492Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:24.492Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:24.792Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:24.792Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:24.814Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:24.816Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:24.816Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:25.092Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:25.092Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:25.392Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:25.392Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:25.692Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:25.692Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:25.992Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:25.992Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:26.293Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:26.293Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:26.593Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:26.593Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:26.918Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:26.918Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:27.265Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:27.265Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:27.564Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:27.565Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:27.814Z [trace] >> LanSearch
2024-05-03T13:27:27.816Z [debug] Received a PunchPkt message
2024-05-03T13:27:27.816Z [info] Camera FTYB492321INQAX at already discovered, ignoring
2024-05-03T13:27:27.859Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:27.859Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:28.159Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:28.159Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:28.459Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:28.460Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:28.760Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:28.760Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:29.059Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:29.060Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:29.359Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:29.360Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:29.659Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:29.660Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:29.959Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:29.960Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:30.259Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:30.260Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
2024-05-03T13:27:30.559Z [trace] << P2PAlive
2024-05-03T13:27:30.559Z [trace] >> P2PAliveAck
DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

0x50ff is a passthrough command that I never figured what it does, but I don't think it's necessary. I think the way that we send the pair command is different for the requirement on this firmware - I think it'd be easiest to compare with a capture from YsxLite if you can get that working

DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

In your log you can see that we send the 'wifi configure packet'

2024-05-03T13:27:01.002Z [info] Logging in to camera FTYB492321INQAX
2024-05-03T13:27:01.002Z [info] Configuring camera FTYB492321INQAX
2024-05-03T13:27:01.003Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 1

but it doesn't get a reply within 400ms, so we send another one

2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Resending packet 1 as 4
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [debug] Sending Drw Packet with id 4
2024-05-03T13:27:01.315Z [trace] >> Drw

which does get an answer

2024-05-03T13:27:01.318Z [trace] << DrwAck
2024-05-03T13:27:01.318Z [debug] Removing 4 from pending

but apparently the settings are not really sticking

DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

@anddag that crash also crashes my wireshark dissector :joy: image

I've pushed c81d7d4182867bf4c74b5b46d54524b8b6c2df80 which should address this crash

anddag commented 2 months ago

It works! The script is successfully running from 60 minutes. ciao andrea

Il giorno ven 3 mag 2024 alle ore 18:01 David Ventura < @.***> ha scritto:

@anddag https://github.com/anddag that crash also crashes my wireshark dissector 😂 image.png (view on web) https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/assets/3650670/352bb491-d6be-4a29-8623-19718f2ddebe

I'll make a patch in a bit

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/issues/17#issuecomment-2093299402, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACPC2M2AMTOMMBU5BH7C2IDZAOYFBAVCNFSM6AAAAABG6SARH2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDAOJTGI4TSNBQGI . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

I'll close this one, and we can start a new issue for the pairing @adrcunha

anddag commented 2 months ago

I've tested pairing with the latest release and works fine with the two cameras BATC and BATD ...

anddag commented 2 months ago

With another old camera (WANSCAM) i've noticed a strange response. The camera responds with its name and the script send another name in P2PReady. Can you investigate?? (in red there is the packet from camera to script). [image: image.png]

Il giorno ven 3 mag 2024 alle ore 22:15 andrea d'agostino @.***> ha scritto:

It works! The script is successfully running from 60 minutes. ciao andrea

Il giorno ven 3 mag 2024 alle ore 18:01 David Ventura < @.***> ha scritto:

@anddag https://github.com/anddag that crash also crashes my wireshark dissector 😂 image.png (view on web) https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/assets/3650670/352bb491-d6be-4a29-8623-19718f2ddebe

I'll make a patch in a bit

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/issues/17#issuecomment-2093299402, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACPC2M2AMTOMMBU5BH7C2IDZAOYFBAVCNFSM6AAAAABG6SARH2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDAOJTGI4TSNBQGI . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

The image didn't make to the issue, can you reupload + pcap?

anddag commented 2 months ago

here the .cap https://we.tl/t-OLSVASeVJl the camera wanscam has ip the script run on

Il giorno dom 5 mag 2024 alle ore 16:18 David Ventura < @.***> ha scritto:

The image didn't make to the issue, can you reupload + pcap?

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/issues/17#issuecomment-2094827572, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACPC2M5W5X2I2RCI2IE7QC3ZAY5SRAVCNFSM6AAAAABG6SARH2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDAOJUHAZDONJXGI . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

DavidVentura commented 2 months ago

Try out 760dbc5820e63e02f3e336acb42639f5f529f461

anddag commented 2 months ago

Just tried, buy It Doesn't works. In the .pcap, now I see the correct uid in responde buy there are no other messages from camera. I cannot reset the camera . The risk i so to make It unconfigurable . For now I add the in IP in blacklist.

Close the issue

Il dom 5 mag 2024, 18:08 David Ventura @.***> ha scritto:

Try out 760dbc5 https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/commit/760dbc5820e63e02f3e336acb42639f5f529f461

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/issues/17#issuecomment-2094863111, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ACPC2M3N4MQXMNU4EA5RDL3ZAZKQLAVCNFSM6AAAAABG6SARH2VHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDAOJUHA3DGMJRGE . You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

adrcunha commented 2 months ago

I'll close this one, and we can start a new issue for the pairing @adrcunha

Created https://github.com/DavidVentura/cam-reverse/issues/23