DavidVentura / cam-reverse

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Instructions unclear #31

Open Leblayd opened 1 week ago

Leblayd commented 1 week ago

I seriously do not understand what I should be doing here.

I bought an A9 model. Tried it with the official app, and it works. Now I wanna use it directly (for HomeAssistant, ultimately).

  1. I clicked remove in the app, so it doesn't interfere.
  2. I turned on the camera and entered AP mode.
  3. I connected to that AP from my PC
  4. I built this project

Everything is clear until now. But after that, I'm confused.

HTTP Server I ran node dist/bin.cjs http_server, and but nothing happens.
Tried modifying the config file so that it checks other IPs for discovery.
It did not work. Apparently you have to pass the config explicitly with --config_file config.example.yml (please add this to the Readme) I added, because that's what I see in ip route, and because it was posted in another issue here. Now it's checking every IP address, and it is in debug mode. However still, nothing happens whatsoever. No error in the console, either.

Pairing I struggled to understand what I should even pass as SSID and Password, until I realized you must mean my proper (2.4ghz) Wifi network. I ran node dist/bin.cjs http_server --ssid what --password ever, and nothing happens. Tried passing --config_file config.example.yml but didn't help. Saw in the code that you're not actually loading the config from the command line parameters, so the config object is always going to be the default, which seems like a mistake. (if so, please fix) Fixed it and rebuilt the project. Now it's checking each IP, but still no change, or even a debug message.

Tried the same thing again after re-doing everything in the app so that it might already be "paired" with my Wifi, but the result is the same.

What am I even supposed to do?

DavidVentura commented 1 week ago

I ran node dist/bin.cjs http_server, and but nothing happens. what do you mean by nothing happens? do you get any output at all? I get

$ node dist/bin.cjs http_server
2024-06-28T21:29:10.536Z [info] Starting HTTP server on port 5000
2024-06-28T21:29:10.542Z [info] Searching for devices on

If you do not get a message such as Discovered camera FTYB492321INQAX at, then it means that this server is not able to communicate with any cameras, either they can't be found (wrong SSID, vlan, discovery network), the cameras are incompatible (eg: not A9) or there's a bug in the server.

Could you capture the network traffic when running this server (30 seconds should be enough) and upload the pcap file? You can use a program such as wireshark for this.

re: pairing: you should run node dist/bin.cjs pair --ssid .. --password ... as in the readme, but if the cameras are not discovered with http_server, it's unlikely that pair will do anything

danka621 commented 1 day ago

I also wondered about the SSID + password in the instruction. Should I enter the SSID and password of my home network (router) or the SSID and password provided by the camera instruction to access its AP?

DavidVentura commented 1 day ago

This SSID/password is your home's wifi, as the goal of the pair script is to configure the camera without using the app. You can also use the app to configure the cameras if you prefer, skipping the pair script

danka621 commented 1 day ago

Ok, I have not tried with the home wifi.. However, shouldnt the pair script discover my device anyway then? I run the pair script with ssid and password option and it get stuck in "searching for devices on". (The PC has been assigned when connecting to the camera AP, so I guess the script is searching in the right adress space..?)

DavidVentura commented 18 hours ago

To clarify:

If this is correct, can you make a network capture using a program such as wireshark? it's important that you are connected to the camera's AP and you run the pair program for at least 30 seconds while recording

Leblayd commented 11 hours ago

Sorry for disappearing.

what do you mean by nothing happens? do you get any output at all?

node dist/bin.cjs http_server
2024-07-08T14:50:40.402Z [info] Starting HTTP server on port 5000
2024-07-08T14:50:40.410Z [info] Searching for devices on

This is exactly what I get as well. Could have been more specific, but I didn't know if I was doing the right thing. In fact, I still don't.

Here is my network log. I stopped every process that tried anything, so it should be clean. I did one try with the default config, and one with --discovery_ip=, because of what ip a shows me: inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute wlp0s20f0u13u2 But again, I have no idea what I'm doing. Whatsoever. capture.zip