DavidVollmers / Ignis

The Blazor framework for building modern web applications.
MIT License
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Question: Full Headless UI support? #34

Closed markmonster closed 9 months ago

markmonster commented 9 months ago

As I understand there is Headless UI support. Does this mean components written against Headless UI can more or less be used? What about for example the Tailwind UI Component Library which builds on top of Headless UI?

DavidVollmers commented 9 months ago

Hi there!

Yes Ignis provides a mostly complete (combobox is missing) port of all Headless UI components via the Ignis.Components.HeadlessUI package.

This means that all components have been written from scratch using Ignis/Blazor but maintaining the same behavior as the React/Vue components from Headless UI do. You can have a look on all of them with example code here.

By the way there is also a package to port all hero icons: Ignis.Components.HeroIcons

With these two packages you are able to build all Tailwind UI components & templates using Ignis & Blazor. This is what I do in my private projects and one of the big reasons why I created Ignis!

DavidVollmers commented 9 months ago

As example you can take the project website (ignis.dvolper.dev) which is build using Ignis and the Tailwind UI Syntax template.

DavidVollmers commented 9 months ago

I will close this issue as the question is answered. Feel free to open another issue if you encounter any problems or have more questions!