DavidWells / analytics

Lightweight analytics abstraction layer for tracking page views, custom events, & identifying visitors
MIT License
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@analytics/snowplow not working #405

Closed pepew-le-boss closed 11 months ago

pepew-le-boss commented 11 months ago

I'm working on a NextJS project and after setting everything up I get this error:

Module not found: Can't resolve 'snowplow-tracker'

After some research it seems that snowplow-tracker is deprecated. Also @analytics/snowplow has not been updated for 2 years now so maybe these problems are linked.


export const analytics = Analytics({
  app: "website",
  plugins: [
      containerId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_GTM_ID as string,
      name: "website",
      collectorUrl: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SNOWPLOW_URL as string,
      trackerSettings: {
        appId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SNOWPLOW_APP_ID as string,
        cookieDomain: "mywebsite.fr",
        cookieName: "mywebite_session",
        cookieSameSite: "Lax",
        cookieLifetime: 0,
        stateStorageStrategy: "cookie",
        resetActivityTrackingOnPageView: false,
        plugins: [

random react component:

"use client"

import { analytics } from "@company/utils/src/lib/analytics/analytics"

export function ComponentExample() {

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  return (
DavidWells commented 11 months ago

The snowplow plugin was a contribution to the project. I don't use it myself and won't have time to fix or update it.

You can see the current implementation here https://github.com/DavidWells/analytics/blob/master/packages/analytics-plugin-snowplow/src/browser.js#L201-L219

That said, it's pretty easy to create a plugin for any provider. Here are the docs https://getanalytics.io/plugins/writing-plugins/#1-provider-plugins.

It's really a matter of mapping their calls, to the analytics primitives page, track, identity etc

export default function providerPluginExample(userConfig) {
  // return object for analytics to use
  return {
    /* All plugins require a name */
    name: 'my-example-plugin',
    /* Everything else below this is optional depending on your plugin requirements */
    config: {
      whatEver: userConfig.whatEver,
      elseYouNeed: userConfig.elseYouNeed
    initialize: ({ config }) => {
      // load provider script to page
    page: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific page tracking
    track: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific event tracking
    identify: ({ payload }) => {
      // call provider specific user identify method
    loaded: () => {
      // return boolean so analytics knows when it can send data to third party
      return !!window.myPluginLoaded