DavidXanatos / DiskCryptor

A fork of the DiskCryptor full disk encryption tool
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Windows 10 not booting after installation reboot #41

Open Wah007 opened 2 years ago

Wah007 commented 2 years ago


I bought a new SSD and installed a fresh copy of Windows 10 on it, and then I installed Diskcryptor and then it asked me to reboot the system, after rebooting it doesn't recognise the drive anymore and says 'checking media'. Secure boot is turned off in the BIOS.

Nothing was encrypted, all I did was install Diskcryptor and rebooted. Is there any way that I can get Windows to boot up?

DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

that is strange open a command prompt in teh recovery environment, and type regedit go to HKEY_USERS, in file, load hive and load C:\windows\system32\config\system call it offline_sys or soemething go into that loaded hive to ...\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F} open "LowerFilters" and remove "dcrypt" unload the registry hive and reboot

Wah007 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply.

I have loaded the hive C:\windows\system32\config\system and called it offline_sys but when I go into the hive there are only 2 sub-folders which are called ControlSet001 and WaaS. There is no 'SYSTEM' sub-folder.


DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

ah ofcause!! sorry for forgetting to mentioning that CurrentControlSet is an alias for ControlSet001 which only exists in a running system so for this fix you need to go to ...\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class{71A27CDD-812A-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}

Wah007 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the super quick response . I'm sorry, I'm a little confused.

I've gone into ControlSet001\Control but there is no 'Class' option. Please see the image. Am I doing something wrong?


DavidXanatos commented 2 years ago

em.... that looks very wrong

are you sure you mounted the system hive of the real windows and not the windows pw recovery envoronment? Wen you browse C is that the right partition with program files and everything?

Wah007 commented 2 years ago

I think I know what the issue might be.

I couldn't get through to the recovery screen without the Windows 10 bootable USB drive. I booted from the Windows 10 bootable USB drive and opened command prompt from there.

When I open command prompt, at the top It says...

Administrator X:\windows\system32\cmd.exe

It looks like it's not logged into the correct drive / partition that I need to edit.

Xebozone commented 2 years ago

Just had this same issue. I emailed you, @DavidXanatos Installed the software and rebooted, and now the disk won't boot. I plugged it into another PC but there's no volumes listed. I see some text scroll on the screen before automatic recovery loads, but when I hit "Exit to Windows 10", or it tries to normally boot, it says that it can't find the boot drive.

I think that things obviously didn't install properly, or maybe the drivers installed to the wrong partition? Installing W10 to a spare SSD now. I'll install the software on there and reboot, then plug in the original disk via a USB adapter to see if I can read it, and hopefully decrypt it.

Xebozone commented 2 years ago

OK, bad news... I just installed fresh W10 and software to new SSD, and it won't boot too. Maybe it has something to do with the Intel Optane Memory. I'm going to remove that and install Windows again to the SSD and then the software

Xebozone commented 2 years ago

OK, well, nothing changed whether Optane Memory was installed or not. In recovery though, I managed to load the hive as you mentioned above, but the lowerfilters for that class only had "fvevol" Still, the system won't boot...

EDIT: OK, my mistake, I loaded the SYSTEM hive from X:\ (BOOT) instead of C:\ I removed the dcrypt from the lower filters and I got my system booting again 🎉 That was too scary... I'm uninstalling this software. Sorry

maopgmxeu commented 1 year ago

This solution to delete "decrypt" from the mentioned registry key helped me as well although it took a lot of effort for me to figure out how to do it. Therefore I am adding some lines that might help others in the future.

My Win10 system also did not come back online straight after installing the 1.2 beta 3 from 2020.

First thing I did in hope to fix it was to disable secure boot in my Bios but this was not fixing the issue. It was rather a big pain because I had to type in my bit locker restore key everytime I had to restart my pc. So I switched it back on after a while.

However you need to access the registry somehow. I used a recovery stick for that, went to the command line cmd and started regedit. As described above, the tool shows the registry of the stick, not my Windows Partition. To open the relevant section you have to click on HKEY_USERS, then go to "File" menu, load structure and navigate to th windows / system32 / config folder of your Windows system drive. Select SYSTEM file and pick a name XYZ for the new key that will be created for the System hive as subfolder under HKEY_USERS. Expand the HKEY_USERS folder structure in regedit, navigate to key as described above and remove the first line "decrypt" in lower filters. Now to save the changes, select the XYZ folder name (left click on it) under the HKEY_USERS that you have created before and pick remove structure from the File menu.

Close all and reboot. Hope it works for you as well!

That was too scary... I'm uninstalling this software. Sorry

piekuns commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks maopgmxeu for description. You helped me from loosing OS and data. I also just installed Beta 2(because Beta3 version asked constant reboots), restart and boot failure. I was able to get in Windows Recovery with switching Secureboot off and than on. Than You will choose Troubleshoot, Advanced, Command Prompt and run with admin rights. I think installer is wrongly designed and should be used only on test systems or in virtual environment. And also need some warning here in web page, before downloading release. I was quite happy user with original version of DiskCryptor which worked flawlessly. Problems starts when you have GPT partition as system drive, you can't use it anymore. Looks time to say goodby for DiskCryptor.