DavidXanatos / TaskExplorer

Power full Task Manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
712 stars 113 forks source link

Improvement - Multilanguage application GUI #46

Closed bovirus closed 1 year ago

bovirus commented 1 year ago


The program is based on QT SDK.

Pelase consider to enable in TaskExplorer source code the use of multilanguage GUI,

With Qt is quite easy and you can use external .ts/.qm external language file.

DavidXanatos commented 1 year ago

the support is already in you can put your *.qm files in the "/translations/" sub folder in the installation dir and then you can pick them in the settings

bovirus commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the info.

I propose you to add in main page of github repository a section


where you put info about current translation status and how to edit/add new translation.

Question: the .ts contain strings for the installer? How can help you to make the installer multilanguage?


bovirus commented 1 year ago


I found the original .ts language file in TaskExplorer fodler

taskexplorer_de.ts - German - empoty and with an error anbout downle definition taskexplorer_en.ts - English (mastre) taskexplorer_it.ts - italian - Empty taskexplorer_pl.ts - Polish - Empty

I beleieve that could be useful add this info in home page of your repository

bovirus commented 1 year ago


I staeted translation of taskexplorer_it.ts. I created the taskexplorer_it.qm from taskexplorer_it.ts I created a subfodler translations under x64 folder. I started taskexplorer.exe in x64 folder but it didn't show strings translated.

bovirus commented 1 year ago


Please check source code. I cannot continue translation if I cannoit see the result of translation and check the context.

bovirus commented 1 year ago


Could you please check source code to enable use of external .ts language files? I'd like to continue the italian translatiuon but I want toi check it.

DavidXanatos commented 1 year ago

you need to compile the files to qm files in order for them to be loaded, i dont think qt can load a uncompiled ts file to create a qm file you use the lrelease.exe

cheers david

bovirus commented 1 year ago


I know it very well because is not the first time that I'm using .ts/.qm files. Please read some post before. I compiled .ts as .qm and copy it in translation folder. But when I run TaskExplrorer window I didn't see the strings that I translated.

DavidXanatos commented 1 year ago

ah I see, can you please send me the begone translation ts file so I can test with it

bovirus commented 1 year ago


TS file - https://mega.nz/file/icxk2KSC#fxLEEHxxk0it8cNg_4LMk8rQo8Vt-eA43PRpxcquhpI

QM file - https://mega.nz/file/HAwEzSpC#3zMkW4GOZqdpGALFoiry-z4xfNVCKRtfkqajkYa2lTA

DavidXanatos commented 1 year ago

hmm... for me the qm file you provided seams to work just fine: grafik

bovirus commented 1 year ago


Where di you get .qmx file?

bovirus commented 1 year ago


Found the issue.

Generally qt program didn't require to chnage the language of the interfacei because qt detect OS language and enable by default (if available) GUI of same language of OS.

In your application it didn't work in this way. You should change manually the language and restart the application. Why this behaviour? I beleiev that tehdefault qt behaviour (detact OS language and use by default is availble same OSlanguage of OS) is better.


DavidXanatos commented 1 year ago


Where di you get .qmx file?

I just renamed the one I compiled such as not to have two and avoid conflicts