DavidXanatos / priv10

Privacy tool for windows with a built in firewall
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Solved bug in using port number ranges #52

Closed SnikoLoft closed 4 years ago

SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

Hello David,

first a big 'thank you' for your PrivWin10 and WuMgr software!

In the software 0.75b is a bug when you try to use port number ranges like "80,1000-1050". The user input is checked for the right-syntax, but saving the rule is not correct. When the rule is loaded again, the given range ist lost, like "80,0" or a complete empty field.

I loaded your sourcecode and after a while I managed it to compile a release version, but I did not get a working debug version compiled. But after a while of try and error changes, I found the error:

Source file: PrivateWin10\Core\WindowsFirewall\WinNetFwAPI.cs

Function: private static FW_PORTS MakePortsArray(string portsStr, ref List handles)

old line 788: if (ushort.TryParse(portStr, out begin) && ushort.TryParse(portStr, out end)) new line 788: if (ushort.TryParse(portRange[0], out begin) && ushort.TryParse(portRange[1], out end))

and maybe another error in the same function (the variable portList is not used in the context):

old line 841: ports.Ports.dwNumEntries = (ushort)portList.Count; new line 841: ports.Ports.dwNumEntries = (ushort)portRanges.Count;

I know, this is not the usual way to help, but I didn't get VisualStudio 2017 and GIT working for your project. I'm an older 'selfmade' programmer, started with assembler in the 1980s and then 30 years of programming in the industry. But I have learned to hunt bugs in many program languages. So if you give tips, how to setup the compiler, I like to help you hunting bugs and closing memory leaks. But I can't add functions or modules because I never learned newer program languages.


SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

Hello David,

now I managed the compilation of the project. But there is a problem with the source files: there is something is missing:

I think, you made some quick additions to the NuGet files of 'boost' and/or 'MS.O365' packages, to get some information about the UDP traffic, similar to the TCPIP traffic.

File: PrivateWin10\Core\NetworkMonitors.cs Function is missing: Microsoft.O365.Security.ETW.Kernel.NetworkUdpipProvider udpProvider; udpProvider = new Microsoft.O365.Security.ETW.Kernel.NetworkUdpipProvider();

Missing folder: "..\krabs\packages\boost.\build\boost.targets" default folder for the boost package is "..\packages\boost.\build\boost.targets"


DavidXanatos commented 4 years ago

Hello, Thanks :-)

I will spin up a fresh VM and go through setting up the build and look for potential issues and post a short how to.


SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

Hello David,

I think, you add 'NetworkUdpipProvider' to the (not in git included) file 'ETW\O365.Security.Native.ETW\Kernel\KernelProviders.hpp', similar to 'NetworkTcpipProvider'.

Only this function is missing, after loading three packages via NuGet (I used updated versions for testing): boost V1.72.0.0 Microsoft.O365.Security.Native.ETW V4.1.12 Mono.Cecil V0.11.2

Greetings Sniko

DavidXanatos commented 4 years ago

Yes you are right, I have just pushed a commit with the missing changed.


Cheers David X.

SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

In the last hours I learned a lot of compiling your project.

In my last posts I wrote something about package downloads via NuGet, because I got the error message "package boost 1.68 not found, use NuGet to download".

Now I looked in the solution file and saw, that you manually moved the complete folder "\packages\boost." into "\ETW\krabs\packages\boost.". And this folder is missing in git. So I downloaded the boost package and moved it into "\ETW\krabs" too. And now I can compile the whole project without any changes.

SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

Here is a similar error like in my first post (a random find):

Source file: PrivateWin10\Core\WindowsFirewall\FirewallRules.cs

Function: public static bool MatchPort(UInt16 numPort, string strPorts)

OldLine 454: if (UInt16.TryParse(strTemp[0], out beginPort) && UInt16.TryParse(strTemp[0], out endPort)) NewLine 454: if (UInt16.TryParse(strTemp[0], out beginPort) && UInt16.TryParse(strTemp[1], out endPort))

I think, it's time for me to get familar with the git program...

Cheers Sniko

DavidXanatos commented 4 years ago

I'm not a fan of NuGet or packet managers in general, for me that only means if the internet fails nothing works anymore. So wherever possible I got for local copies.

Thanks for the find, great!

You don't necessarily need git, you can also use SVN with Github, and for that there are really nice clients like TortoiseSVN

SnikoLoft commented 4 years ago

First I don't understood the function of NuGet. I'm sceptical to these kind of online things, too. But first I get a message "boost missing, please download" and after downloading it was still missing... and today I was surprised about the fully automatic downloading of packages...

I'm a practical programmer: give me the sourcecode, a compiler and show me the button to create the exe file, don't need much more info... my tummy shows me the way...

Yes, now I remember. In my office (6 years ago) I used TortoiseSVN to copy my source code changes onto the server, my workmate shows me the right buttons...

DavidXanatos commented 4 years ago

fixed in the 0.82 build