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Optimize ChessExplorer for depth 7 - Strategy #1 - Dedicated Copy Constructor Thread #6

Open DavidZalewski opened 1 week ago

DavidZalewski commented 1 week ago

Wow this gives me an idea for optimizing my chess state explorer. Currently it's multithreaded with one thread for each possible move white can make on the first turn. Then a graph of all possible moves is generated after that to a certain depth. The problem with the current design is all the copy operations that happen with duplicating the board and pieces... even with a sliced up version of the object, the copy operations still take too long.

What if instead, i had a thread dedicated to making copies of the board state, push those copies onto a queue (or multiple queues), then when the other threads are exploring all possible moves, they simply take a copy off the queue and tweak the values they need? If i have a big enough surplus of copies premade and ready for use, the other threads can focus more on the other logic and less time spent copying data.

using Chess.Board;
using Chess.Callbacks;
using Chess.Globals;
using Chess.Pieces;
using Chess.Services;

namespace Chess.GameState
    // TODO: Write your own unit test runner that supports multi process better
    internal class ChessStateExplorer
        private static string cacheFilePath = "chess_cache.bin";
        ConcurrentLogger logger = new ConcurrentLogger("ChessStateExplorer_TurnNode");
        private const int REPARTITION_THRESHOLD = 1000; // adjust this value as needed
        private const int PARTITION_SIZE = 8; // adjust this value as needed
        public MultiDimensionalCache<CacheItem> cache = new MultiDimensionalCache<CacheItem>(PARTITION_SIZE);

        //static ChessStateExplorer()
        //    if (File.Exists(cacheFilePath))
        //    {
        //        using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(cacheFilePath, FileMode.Open))
        //        {
        //            BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        //            cache = (ConcurrentDictionary<string, ulong>)formatter.Deserialize(fs);
        //        }
        //    }
        //    else
        //    {
        //        cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ulong>();
        //    }

        //public static void SaveCache()
        //    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(cacheFilePath, FileMode.Create))
        //    {
        //        BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
        //        formatter.Serialize(fs, cache);
        //    }

        public List<Turn> GenerateAllPossibleMoves(Turn turn, int depth)
            int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth}", threadId);
            KingCheckService kingCheckService = new KingCheckService();

            List<Turn> possibleMoves = new();

            if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            bool isStaleMate = false;
            if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;
            else if (isStaleMate)
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));

            // Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
            // iterate over all board positions
            SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;
            foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
                        Turn possibleTurn = new(turn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, turn.ChessBoard);
                        if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn))
                            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}", threadId);
                            // Recursively generate all possible moves from this new turn
                            List<Turn> subMoves = GenerateAllPossibleMoves(possibleTurn, depth - 1);
                            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Turn: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}, SubCount: {subMoves.Count},", threadId);
                            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Turn: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}, MainCount: {possibleMoves.Count},", threadId);
            SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = false;

            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn: {turn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, MainCount: {possibleMoves.Count},", threadId);

            return possibleMoves;

        public List<TurnNode> GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode(Turn turn, int depth, ref ulong currentCount)
            int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth}", threadId);
            KingCheckService kingCheckService = new();

            List<TurnNode> possibleMoves = new();

            if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            bool isStaleMate = false;
            if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
                turn.IsCheckMate = true; // TODO: Do we need this?
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;
            else if (isStaleMate)
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));

            // Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
            // iterate over all board positions
            SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;
            foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                        BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
                        Turn possibleTurn = new(turn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, turn.ChessBoard);
                        bool isKingInCheck = kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn);
                        possibleTurn.IsKingInCheck = isKingInCheck;

                        if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !isKingInCheck)
                            TurnNode turnNode = new(possibleTurn);

                            //logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}", threadId);

                            if (cache.TryGetValue(turnNode.BoardID, out CacheItem cacheItem))
                                ulong innerCount = cacheItem.Value;
                                turnNode.Children = new List<TurnNode>();
                                turnNode.Count = innerCount;
                                currentCount += innerCount;
                                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Hitting Cache for BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCount}", threadId);
                                ulong innerCount = 0;
                                turnNode.Children = GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode(possibleTurn, depth - 1, ref innerCount);
                                turnNode.Count = innerCount;
                                cache.AddOrUpdate(turnNode.BoardID, new CacheItem(turnNode.Count));
                                currentCount += innerCount;
                                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCount} - Added to cache", threadId);
            SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = false;

            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, Count: {currentCount}", threadId);

            return possibleMoves;

        public List<(string Key, CacheItem AccessCount)> GetTopNCachedItems(int n)
            var topItems = new List<(string Key, CacheItem AccessCount)>();

            foreach (var item in cache._mainCache)
                topItems.Add((item.Key, item.Value));

            return topItems.OrderByDescending(x => x.AccessCount.AccessCount).Take(n).ToList();

        public void PrintTopCacheItems(int n)
            logger.Log($"Cache Size: {cache._mainCache.Count}", 0);
            var topItems = GetTopNCachedItems(n);
            foreach (var item in topItems)
                logger.Log($"BoardID: {item.Key}, AccessCount: {item.AccessCount.AccessCount}, Value: {item.AccessCount.Value}", 0);

        public long CacheSize()
            return cache._mainCache.Count;

        public List<TurnNode> GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode_NoRecursion(Turn turn, int depth, ref ulong currentCount)
            int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

            logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth}", threadId);
            KingCheckService kingCheckService = new();

            List<TurnNode> possibleMoves = new();

            if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            bool isStaleMate = false;

            if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;
            else if (isStaleMate)
                logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
                return possibleMoves;

            List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));

            // Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
            // iterate over all board positions
            SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;

            var stack = new Stack<(Turn turn, int depth, ulong currentCount)>();
            stack.Push((turn, depth, currentCount));

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var (currentTurn, currentDepth, currentCurrentCount) = stack.Pop();

                // ... (rest of the method remains the same)

                if (currentDepth > 0)
                    foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                                BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
                                Turn possibleTurn = new(currentTurn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, currentTurn.ChessBoard);
                                if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn))
                                    TurnNode turnNode = new(possibleTurn);
                                    //logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {currentDepth}, From: {currentTurn.TurnDescription}", threadId);

                                    if (cache.TryGetValue(turnNode.BoardID, out CacheItem cacheItem))
                                        ulong innerCount = cacheItem.Value;
                                        turnNode.Children = new List<TurnNode>();
                                        turnNode.Count = innerCount;
                                        currentCurrentCount += innerCount;
                                        logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Hitting Cache for BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {currentDepth}, From: {currentTurn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCurrentCount}", threadId);
                                        stack.Push((possibleTurn, currentDepth - 1, 0));

            return possibleMoves;