Wow this gives me an idea for optimizing my chess state explorer. Currently it's multithreaded with one thread for each possible move white can make on the first turn. Then a graph of all possible moves is generated after that to a certain depth. The problem with the current design is all the copy operations that happen with duplicating the board and pieces... even with a sliced up version of the object, the copy operations still take too long.
What if instead, i had a thread dedicated to making copies of the board state, push those copies onto a queue (or multiple queues), then when the other threads are exploring all possible moves, they simply take a copy off the queue and tweak the values they need? If i have a big enough surplus of copies premade and ready for use, the other threads can focus more on the other logic and less time spent copying data.
using Chess.Board;
using Chess.Callbacks;
using Chess.Globals;
using Chess.Pieces;
using Chess.Services;
namespace Chess.GameState
// TODO: Write your own unit test runner that supports multi process better
internal class ChessStateExplorer
private static string cacheFilePath = "chess_cache.bin";
ConcurrentLogger logger = new ConcurrentLogger("ChessStateExplorer_TurnNode");
private const int REPARTITION_THRESHOLD = 1000; // adjust this value as needed
private const int PARTITION_SIZE = 8; // adjust this value as needed
public MultiDimensionalCache<CacheItem> cache = new MultiDimensionalCache<CacheItem>(PARTITION_SIZE);
//static ChessStateExplorer()
// if (File.Exists(cacheFilePath))
// {
// using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(cacheFilePath, FileMode.Open))
// {
// BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
// cache = (ConcurrentDictionary<string, ulong>)formatter.Deserialize(fs);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// cache = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ulong>();
// }
//public static void SaveCache()
// using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(cacheFilePath, FileMode.Create))
// {
// BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
// formatter.Serialize(fs, cache);
// }
public List<Turn> GenerateAllPossibleMoves(Turn turn, int depth)
int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth}", threadId);
KingCheckService kingCheckService = new KingCheckService();
List<Turn> possibleMoves = new();
if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
bool isStaleMate = false;
if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
else if (isStaleMate)
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn {turn.TurnDescription} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));
// Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
// iterate over all board positions
SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;
foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
Turn possibleTurn = new(turn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, turn.ChessBoard);
if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn))
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}", threadId);
// Recursively generate all possible moves from this new turn
List<Turn> subMoves = GenerateAllPossibleMoves(possibleTurn, depth - 1);
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Turn: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}, SubCount: {subMoves.Count},", threadId);
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Turn: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}, MainCount: {possibleMoves.Count},", threadId);
SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = false;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: Turn: {turn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, MainCount: {possibleMoves.Count},", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
public List<TurnNode> GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode(Turn turn, int depth, ref ulong currentCount)
int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth}", threadId);
KingCheckService kingCheckService = new();
List<TurnNode> possibleMoves = new();
if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
bool isStaleMate = false;
if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
turn.IsCheckMate = true; // TODO: Do we need this?
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
else if (isStaleMate)
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));
// Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
// iterate over all board positions
SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;
foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
Turn possibleTurn = new(turn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, turn.ChessBoard);
bool isKingInCheck = kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn);
possibleTurn.IsKingInCheck = isKingInCheck;
if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !isKingInCheck)
TurnNode turnNode = new(possibleTurn);
//logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.TurnDescription}", threadId);
if (cache.TryGetValue(turnNode.BoardID, out CacheItem cacheItem))
ulong innerCount = cacheItem.Value;
turnNode.Children = new List<TurnNode>();
turnNode.Count = innerCount;
currentCount += innerCount;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Hitting Cache for BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCount}", threadId);
ulong innerCount = 0;
turnNode.Children = GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode(possibleTurn, depth - 1, ref innerCount);
turnNode.Count = innerCount;
cache.AddOrUpdate(turnNode.BoardID, new CacheItem(turnNode.Count));
currentCount += innerCount;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCount} - Added to cache", threadId);
SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = false;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, Depth: {depth}, From: {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, Count: {currentCount}", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
public List<(string Key, CacheItem AccessCount)> GetTopNCachedItems(int n)
var topItems = new List<(string Key, CacheItem AccessCount)>();
foreach (var item in cache._mainCache)
topItems.Add((item.Key, item.Value));
return topItems.OrderByDescending(x => x.AccessCount.AccessCount).Take(n).ToList();
public void PrintTopCacheItems(int n)
logger.Log($"Cache Size: {cache._mainCache.Count}", 0);
var topItems = GetTopNCachedItems(n);
foreach (var item in topItems)
logger.Log($"BoardID: {item.Key}, AccessCount: {item.AccessCount.AccessCount}, Value: {item.AccessCount.Value}", 0);
public long CacheSize()
return cache._mainCache.Count;
public List<TurnNode> GenerateAllPossibleMovesTurnNode_NoRecursion(Turn turn, int depth, ref ulong currentCount)
int threadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - BEGIN: Generating all possible moves for BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth}", threadId);
KingCheckService kingCheckService = new();
List<TurnNode> possibleMoves = new();
if (depth == 0) // base case: reached maximum depth
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} maximum depth reached, count: {possibleMoves.Count}", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
bool isStaleMate = false;
if (kingCheckService.IsCheckMate(turn, out isStaleMate))
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached CHECKMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
else if (isStaleMate)
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - END: BoardID {turn.ChessBoard.BoardID} at depth {depth} has reached STALEMATE, count: {possibleMoves.Count} ", threadId);
return possibleMoves;
List<ChessPiece> currentSidePieces = turn.ChessPieces.FindAll(piece => !piece.GetColor().Equals((ChessPiece.Color)turn.PlayerTurn));
// Simulated future turns assume a pawn is always promoted to queen
// iterate over all board positions
SpecialMovesHandlers.ByPassPawnPromotionPromptUser = true;
var stack = new Stack<(Turn turn, int depth, ulong currentCount)>();
stack.Push((turn, depth, currentCount));
while (stack.Count > 0)
var (currentTurn, currentDepth, currentCurrentCount) = stack.Pop();
// ... (rest of the method remains the same)
if (currentDepth > 0)
foreach (ChessPiece piece in currentSidePieces)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
BoardPosition pos = new((RANK)i, (FILE)j);
Turn possibleTurn = new(currentTurn.TurnNumber + 1, piece, piece.GetCurrentPosition(), pos, currentTurn.ChessBoard);
if (possibleTurn.IsValidTurn && !kingCheckService.IsKingInCheck(possibleTurn))
TurnNode turnNode = new(possibleTurn);
//logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Possible Move Found: {possibleTurn.TurnDescription}, Depth: {currentDepth}, From: {currentTurn.TurnDescription}", threadId);
if (cache.TryGetValue(turnNode.BoardID, out CacheItem cacheItem))
ulong innerCount = cacheItem.Value;
turnNode.Children = new List<TurnNode>();
turnNode.Count = innerCount;
currentCurrentCount += innerCount;
logger.Log($"ChessStateExplorer - MID: Hitting Cache for BoardID: {turnNode.BoardID}, Depth: {currentDepth}, From: {currentTurn.ChessBoard.BoardID}, ChildrenCount: {innerCount}, MainCount: {currentCurrentCount}", threadId);
stack.Push((possibleTurn, currentDepth - 1, 0));
return possibleMoves;
Wow this gives me an idea for optimizing my chess state explorer. Currently it's multithreaded with one thread for each possible move white can make on the first turn. Then a graph of all possible moves is generated after that to a certain depth. The problem with the current design is all the copy operations that happen with duplicating the board and pieces... even with a sliced up version of the object, the copy operations still take too long.
What if instead, i had a thread dedicated to making copies of the board state, push those copies onto a queue (or multiple queues), then when the other threads are exploring all possible moves, they simply take a copy off the queue and tweak the values they need? If i have a big enough surplus of copies premade and ready for use, the other threads can focus more on the other logic and less time spent copying data.