DavideAlidosi / May9

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marking menu tool options issue #4

Open abrasmelin opened 7 years ago

abrasmelin commented 7 years ago

There is an issue which is the only thing with may9 that slows down my work inside Maya. I am a guy who is only using marking menus for tools.

When i try to select the option of a tool the normal behaviour is the tool settings should automatically show up on the left but with may9 its not working. For example i am trying to select the option box of insert edge loop tool via marking menu but the "tool settings" is not appearing automatically on the left.

What i am doing right now is i am opening the tool settings on the left by clicking on the tab manually and then choose the related option box for the related tool then it shows up but this is really slowing my process. Can you fix this Davide?


DavideAlidosi commented 7 years ago

Hi, I think this issue is related to old Maya version on update 3 beta the tool preference behavior is the one you wish. Try to reinstall May9 or wait the update