DavideBlade / HealthBar-Reloaded

Cool health bars above mobs' and players' heads, a must-have for RPG and PvP servers!
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

Error with the option use-custom-file: true #13

Closed Weyl1 closed 4 months ago

Weyl1 commented 4 months ago

Hello when I activate the option: use-custom-file: true I have an error and it doesn't work


Weyl1 commented 4 months ago

I regenerate the config and activated only the custom-name-file and it works

DavideBlade commented 4 months ago

This error was present in but in it should be fixed. In fact, I cannot reproduce it.

Which version are you using? You can check with /healthbar

In case it is the latest (, please send me the config.yml with the configuration to generate the error (so with use-custom-file: true).

Weyl1 commented 4 months ago

Currently I no longer have any errors but I am using version, I think I have activated some options which created this "bug" then by regenerating the plugin folder and first activating the "use custom file" I had no more problems afterwards

DavideBlade commented 4 months ago

It's fine, please send me your current configuration and I will try to reproduce it.

Weyl1 commented 4 months ago
#           ---- + HealthBar by DavideBlade + ----
#         Please read the instructions before editing:
# https://github.com/DavideBlade/HealthBar-Reloaded/wiki/Configuration
#           ---- + ---------------------- + ----

  # Enable or disable player health bars.
  # It will disable even the health under the tag.
  enable: false


    # Enable or disable the bars only after or before the
    # player's tag. Doesn't disable the health under.
    enable: true

    # The style of the health bar, if text-mode is not set to true.
    # You can choose between 7 different styles (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
    display-style: 1

    # Always show health bars on players.
    always-shown: false

    # Shows the health with a text after the tag:
    # for example 'Steve - 18/20'
    text-mode: false

    # The bar after the player's name is shown for the specified time when the player is hit.
    # In other words, after the time specified by the hit has passed, the bar is hidden again.
    # You will need to set 'always-shown: false'.
    hide-delay-seconds: 5

    # You can choose to use your own made bars,
    # it will override the previous setting 'text-mode'.
    use-custom-file: false


    # Enable or disable the health under the name.
    # It will be displayed on all player.
    enable: true

    # The text that will be displayed under the tag, after the health value.
    # The position cannot be changed (minecraft limitations).
    # If you want to use spaces before the text or weird symbols,
    # surround the text with single quotes (  '<3'  ).
    # <3 will be replaced by ❤.
    # You can use formatting codes.
    text: '% &cHealth'

    display-raw-hearts: false

    # Set to true if you want the plugin to make a proportion,
    # so the maximum health will be the same for all the players.
    # If disabled, the normal health of a player appears as 20.
    # If you want to enable it, you need to set 'display-raw-hearts: false'.
    use-proportion: true

    # If you set this to 100, you can view the health as percentage.
    # If a player has half health, it will display 5.
    proportional-to: 100

  # A list of disabled worlds for player bars.
  # To enable all worlds, use: disabled-worlds: ''
  disabled-worlds: world_nether,world_the_end


  # Choose to enable or disable mob health bar.
  enable: true

  # Should the bar be shown on renamed mobs?
  show-on-named-mobs: true

  # The style for the bar. You can choose between 5 style (1,2,3,4,5).
  display-style: 1

  # Always show health bars on all the valid mobs.
  always-shown: false

  # Use text instead of bar.
  text-mode: false

  # Use your custom text, you will need to set 'text-mode: true'
  custom-text-enable: false

  # The custom text: you can use these placeholder:
  # {name} = the name of the mob hit.
  # {health} = the current health.
  # {max} = the maximum health.
  # <3 = a hearth symbol (❤)
  # &4 / &n / &k ... = all the formatting codes.
  # For example this will be displayed as 'Creeper - 16/20'
  custom-text: '{name} - &a{health}/{max}'

  # The health bar is shown for the specified time when the mob is hit.
  # In other words, after the time specified by the hit has passed, the bar is hidden again.
  # You will need to set 'always-shown: false'.
  hide-delay-seconds: 5

  # If enabled, health bars on mobs will be shown only if
  # the player looks directly at him.
  show-only-if-looking: true

  # You can choose to use your own made bars, it will override the previous settings.
  use-custom-file: true

  # A list of disabled worlds for mob bars.
  # To enable all worlds, use: disabled-worlds: ''
  disabled-worlds: world_nether,world_the_end

  # These mobs won't show the health.
  # The names are the same in locale.yml
  # To enable all mobs, use: disabled-types: ''
  disabled-types: creeper,zombie,skeleton,iron_golem

# Compatibility with other plugins
  # If you have MythicMobs, enable this to hide health on mobs of the plugin
  MythicMobs: false

# Disable this if you have other plugins that changes the tab names.
# Otherwise, the health bars will be show here.
fix-tab-names: true

# Disable this to remove health bars from death messages.
# Disable if you have other plugins to handle them.
bar-in-death-messages: true

# If you enable this, you have to give the permission to players to see the health bar on other players.
# It will send a fake empty scoreboard to players without permissions, use this carefully.
use-player-bar-permissions: false

# This is a temporary fix for other plugin like MobArena overriding player health bars when in the arena.
# Enable this to fix, HealthBar will try to take over other scoreboards from other plugins.
override-other-scoreboard: false
DavideBlade commented 4 months ago

I have not been able to reproduce the problem, but I have found an associated problem that is probably the cause. By the next version, both should be solved.

Thanks for the report!