DavidoTek / ProtonUp-Qt

Install and manage GE-Proton, Luxtorpeda & more for Steam and Wine-GE & more for Lutris with this graphical user interface.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Use the wine-ge-x-yy-x86_64 namescheme for lutris wine installs #294

Closed awsms closed 8 months ago

awsms commented 9 months ago

This is the template lutris uses for self-updating the wine runner. Lutris will download the same wine build in duplicate otherwise, lutris-GE-Protonx-yy-x86_64 dl'ed by protonupqt & wine-ge-x-yy-x86_64 by Lutris.

sonic2kk commented 9 months ago

I think ProtonUp-Qt just uses the name that the actual extracted archive uses (i.e. if you were to download and extract it manually).

awsms commented 9 months ago

yep i know, lutris-GE-Protonx-yy-x86_64 is the content of the tarball. but protonupqt should extract it to a wine-ge-x-yy-x86_64 folder for lutris

sonic2kk commented 9 months ago

Hmm, that probably means we'll have to name the archive differently specifically for Lutris, as Wine-GE can be used for Heroic and Bottles as well. I guess we could use this name for all of them, but personally I'd prefer keep the naming consistent and make this an exception only for Lutris.

I wonder why Lutris names it this way? Is it maybe a holdover from the old Proton-GE naming? (example, which has the "GE" in a different location). I wonder how Heroic/Bottles name the archives when they download and extract them also. If they have different formats, then maybe we should change the extracted name based on what each launcher does.

sonic2kk commented 8 months ago

Opened a PR for this (#296), it uses some str.replace magic on the extracted top-level directory name, dependent on each launcher as Heroic also uses a different format, and then renames the folder. Though for Heroic, afaik this would be purely cosmetic. I am unsure about Bottles.

DavidoTek commented 8 months ago

Resolved with #296

sonic2kk commented 8 months ago

If Bottles has a different format or benefits from a different format we can also look into that. This PR specifically refers to Lutris, and I took it upon myself in #296 to implement the same consistent naming for Heroic, but because I don't use Bottles and couldn't find anything at the time I wasn't sure if we needed to make any changes.

Just a heads up :-)