Closed dsdenes closed 2 years ago
Dear @Davincible, first of all thank you for this great fork!
I've encountered an error when trying to log in:
Here pubKeyID has a value of 0
if insta.pubKey == "" || insta.pubKeyID == 0 { return errors.New("Sync returned empty public key and/or public key id") }
Here are the response headers accordingly:
Ig-Set-Password-Encryption-Key-Id:[0] Ig-Set-Password-Encryption-Pub-Key:[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]
And here is the code that I try to run
insta := goinsta.New("account-name", "some-password") insta.Debug = true if err := insta.Login(); err != nil { panic(err) }
In the login sequence both the first and the second sync before the login have Ig-Set-Password-Encryption-Key-Id:[0] in the response headeers.
Thanks for the clear report. Should be fixed now
Dear @Davincible, first of all thank you for this great fork!
I've encountered an error when trying to log in:
Here pubKeyID has a value of
Here are the response headers accordingly:
And here is the code that I try to run
In the login sequence both the first and the second sync before the login have
in the response headeers.