DavisLaboratory / singscore

An R/Bioconductor package that implements a single-sample molecular phenotyping approach
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SimpleScore() Output Interpretation #42

Open xyang2uchicago opened 1 month ago

xyang2uchicago commented 1 month ago

I'm currently using your fantastic package and appreciate your responsiveness. I'm trying to understand the output of the simpleScore() function, specifically the scale used for the scores (log2 or log10). For instance, in the demonstrated output (https://f1000research.s3.amazonaws.com/manuscripts/22970/08651dce-c3b9-4f98-8cb0-dddcc8d5aa4d_figure4.gif), I'd like to determine if the first original box score is significantly higher than the first green box score.

To assess this, I understand I need to consider both the p-value and the fold change. However, I'm unsure about the interpretation level of these scores (log2 or log10). Could you clarify the scale used for the scores returned by simpleScore()? Thank you for your continued support. HOlly