DavyJonesLocker / client_side_validations

Client Side Validations made easy for Ruby on Rails
MIT License
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Remote Validation with Promise #728

Closed bpdarlyn closed 6 years ago

bpdarlyn commented 6 years ago

Maybe is not the best way, but I try help someone this method I change :

validateElement = function (element, validators) {
        var afterValidate, destroyInputName, executeValidators, executeRemoteValidators, failElement, local, passElement, remote;
        passElement = function () {
            return element.trigger('element:validate:pass.ClientSideValidations').data('valid', null);
        failElement = function (message) {
            element.trigger('element:validate:fail.ClientSideValidations', message).data('valid', false);
            return false;
        afterValidate = function () {
            return element.trigger('element:validate:after.ClientSideValidations').data('valid') !== false;
        executeValidators = function (context) {
            var fn, i, kind, len, message, ref, valid, validator;
            valid = true;
            for (kind in context) {
                fn = context[kind];
                if (validators[kind]) {
                    ref = validators[kind];
                    for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
                        validator = ref[i];
                        message = fn.call(context, element, validator);
                        if (message) {
                            valid = failElement(message);
                    if (!valid) {
            return valid;
        executeRemoteValidators = function (context) {
            var fn, i, kind, len, message, ref, valid, validator;
            valid = $.Deferred();
            for (kind in context) {
                fn = context[kind];
                if (validators[kind]) {
                    ref = validators[kind];
                    for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
                        validator = ref[i];
                        message = fn.call(context, element, validator);
            return valid;
        if (element.attr('name').search(/\[([^\]]*?)\]$/) >= 0) {
            destroyInputName = element.attr('name').replace(/\[([^\]]*?)\]$/, '[_destroy]');
            if ($("input[name='" + destroyInputName + "']").val() === '1') {
                return afterValidate();
        if (element.data('changed') === false) {
            return afterValidate();
        element.data('changed', false);
        local = ClientSideValidations.validators.local;
        remote = ClientSideValidations.validators.remote;
        if (executeValidators(local) && executeRemoteValidators(remote).done(function (valid) {
            return valid
            })) {
        return afterValidate();

And for call It

// This is my own method than call to ajax for validation remote
function checkValidatorEmailUnique(params){
        var aDeferred = jQuery.Deferred();
        if (typeof params == 'undefined') {
            params = {};
        params.success = function (data, status, jqXHR) {
        params.error = function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            aDeferred.reject(textStatus, errorThrown);
        return aDeferred.promise();

ClientSideValidations.validators.remote['uniqueness'] = function(element, options) {
        var promise_response= $.Deferred();
        var params = {
              url: '/validator/check_email',
              data: { id: element.val() },
              function (response) {
          return promise_response

I hope It helps you!!

tagliala commented 6 years ago

@bpdarlyn thanks!

This would really help

Could you please write a wiki page?


tagliala commented 6 years ago

@bpdarlyn sorry but I'm going to close this because it belongs to wiki

Please check: https://github.com/DavyJonesLocker/client_side_validations/wiki/Remote-validations-with-Promise