Dawdre / death-roll

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CHAT #20

Open Ashyy-code opened 4 months ago

Ashyy-code commented 4 months ago

Now that I've made it a github issue it has to be actioned right? ... right?

Lissen, chat, its good shit its important, I wanna deathroll harle but he doesn't use a mic and I still want to witness his reeing.

Introducing.... CHAT!

Some minor changes to be made to the front-end:

Contents check:

if user entry starts with /roll :

if the user entry does NOT start with /roll:

Ashyy-code commented 4 months ago

Chat messages are just actions in the action history of type "chat". By default they are the playerName + ":" + Message.

Chat messages may weave inbetween rolls, and an example may be:

It would be cool if it could somehow know which part of the message is a player name (before the first ":" ) so that it could be colored yellow or something LOL.