Dax89 / WebPirate

A Tabbed, WebKit based Browser Web for SailfishOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

Downloads page not accessible #27

Closed Moth2015 closed 9 years ago

Moth2015 commented 9 years ago

0.9.7-1: Details page for "Downloads" in ActionBar isn't accessible anymore. ActionBar gets closed instead.

Dax89 commented 9 years ago

Mmmmh, I don't understand this issue, you could be more specific? There is no "Downloads page" in the action bar.

Moth2015 commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I meant "Sidebar", of course... :-D I can't access the "Downloads"-section. Just me? ;-)

Dax89 commented 9 years ago

Ah ok :+1: :)

I have tried to open the Downloads page with no downloads and one download running, I don't have any issues and/or errors in runtime.

The issue could be in the filename detection algorithm that for some reason fails: do you experience this problem with every download?

You can try to execute WebPirate in a ssh session running "harbour-webpirate" command and see if Qml triggers some kind of error :)

Moth2015 commented 9 years ago

Terminal drops this error on every attempt of accessing the "Download" section, no matter of type, size or quantity of downloads:

[W] unknown:439 - file:///usr/lib/qt5/qml /Sailfish/Silica/PageStack.js:439: Error: Error while loading page: file:///usr/sh are/harbour-webpirate/qml/pages/downloadm anager/DownloadsPage.qml:49 Type Download ListItem unavailable file:///usr/share/harbour-webpirate/qml/c omponents/items/DownloadListItem.qml:96 L oadingBar is not a type

Dax89 commented 9 years ago

Thanks Moth! I will fix it immediately and I upload a new package in OpenRepos