Dax89 / WebPirate

A Tabbed, WebKit based Browser Web for SailfishOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

use webpirate as default browser for android apps ( dalvik VM ) #76

Open jean-clovis opened 8 years ago

jean-clovis commented 8 years ago

actually, on a fresh install of dalvik and my favorites android apps, clicking on a hyperlink ask me for Sailfish default browser or android firefox version ( already installed on phone ) Is there any trick to call directly webpirate browser from android apps ? Maybe regarding /data/system/packages.xml especially this part ? ( already set default Sailfish browser and tick "always" or "remember" )

<item name="com.myriadgroup.nativeapp/.NativeBrowser" match="200000" set="2">
<set name="com.myriadgroup.nativeapp/.NativeBrowser" />
<set name="org.mozilla.firefox/org.mozilla.gecko.tabqueue.TabQueueDispatcher" />
<action name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<cat name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<scheme name="https" />
jean-clovis commented 8 years ago

forget to say that all other sailfish native applications are calling smoothly and beautifully webpirate with settings enabled :)

Dax89 commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately I can't change system files, because the browser needs to be allowed in the harbour. I don't even know if the "default browser" feature will be allowed on it :)