Dax89 / WebPirate

A Tabbed, WebKit based Browser Web for SailfishOS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Trouble opening URLs with Web Pirate as the default browser #82

Closed JeffHoogland closed 8 years ago

JeffHoogland commented 8 years ago

I have web pirate set as the default browser using Mimer. When Web Pirate is closed and I click on a link in an email or other application it opens web pirate with the link as expected.

However - when web pirate is already open and I click on a URL in a different application - the application focus correctly changes back to web pirate, but the selected URL is not opened.

It must however Sailfish handles hyper links that is the issue - because if I run:

harbour-webpirate http://google.com

From a terminal while Web Pirate is open - it opens the URL given in a new tab as expected.

Let me know if I can provide other information useful in debugging this or if there is a work around. I searched the issues but did not see anything like this.

llelectronics commented 8 years ago

Don't set the default Web application with mimer. It doesn't support the dbus magic that is necessary for this to work properly.

JeffHoogland commented 8 years ago

What is the proper way to make this the default web browser then?

Dax89 commented 8 years ago

@JeffHoogland From WebPirate 2.x you can set it as default browser from settings.

JeffHoogland commented 8 years ago

Ahhh - I was still using version 1.7 from the Jolla store.

Thank you!