DaxEleven / Rule34.xxx-Downloader

The program for downloading content from the rule34.xxx
82 stars 13 forks source link

Make a CLI version #13

Open Goosegit11 opened 7 months ago

Goosegit11 commented 7 months ago

A CLI should provide all options we have in GUI and probably even more (CLI is for advanced users or scripts)

Please consider adding a CLI version for power users and scripting use cases.

DaxEleven commented 6 months ago

I'm currently developing version 2.0 on .NET 8 and WPF. I'll be honest, development happens when I get bored playing video games. So there won't be a release soon. And maybe in some version 2.x I can add CLI support.

Version 1.x is considered stable and complete, I'll only support it and fix bugs. There won't be any new features.

teadrinker2015 commented 6 months ago

Hitomi-Downloader? @Goosegit11

Goosegit11 commented 6 months ago

@DaxEleven Will you release it in a new repository or as a new release in this repository? You can also create a new git branch for version 2.0 and commit to it.

@teadrinker2015 does it have tags support, r34 score:>=100 or sort:score support?

DaxEleven commented 6 months ago

@Goosegit11 Version 2.x will become current and will be in dev/main branch. And version 1.x will acquire LTS status in some other branch. And yes, this is the main repository and this time I woт't forget password for this account 🙂

Goosegit11 commented 6 months ago

@DaxEleven okay then. good luck!