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Vehicle speed offroad #299

Open VidKo opened 9 years ago

VidKo commented 9 years ago

Please change the offroad top speed of the cars:

military offroad: higher speed offroad (it's too slow offroad at the moment) SUV: lower speed offroad, higher fuel consumption

R4Z0R49 commented 9 years ago

Speed we should be able to do a few tweaks, fuel is another issue that involves a loop on each vehicle. Arma has no default config system that enables fuel usage. (that i cant think off)

while {(alive (_this select 0)) and (fuel (_this select 0) > 0)} do { if (isEngineOn (_this select 0)) then { (_this select 0) setFuel ( Fuel (_this select 0) - (_this select 1)); }; sleep 1; };

We would have to create a simple script in the init of every vehicle that covers fuel usage. Just first thoughts anyway. I'll take a look after the xmas.

R4Z0R49 commented 9 years ago

Added a prototype fuel consumption system.