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plasma-isolation-queue-available generic_instance action data appears to be getting out of hand #13

Open adamtracy opened 7 months ago

adamtracy commented 7 months ago

The user/datetime appear to be printed the same number of times as the number in action_executed field.

While load testing, I noticed certain JSON data increases with the number of times the batches are queued up. Is there a better way to model this? is it necessary?

uuid                      | b7fcafc2-1025-4285-9f21-55cec29f5e14
euid                      | WSQ4
name                      | queue:plasma-isolation-queue-available:1.0
json_addl                 | {"properties": {"name": "", "comments": "", "step_number": "1"}, "description": "Containers available for plasma isolation in this queue.", "action_groups": {"core": {"actions": {"action/core/set_object_status/1.0": {"curr_user": "", "action_name": "Set Status", "action_user": [], "description": "Set Status", "method_name": "do_action_set_object_status", "action_order": "0", "capture_data": "yes", "printer_opts": {"label_style": "", "printer_name": ""}, "captured_data": {"_object_status": "<select name=&quot;object_status&quot;><option value=&quot;in_progress&quot;>In Progress</option><option value=&quot;complete&quot;>Complete</option><option value=&quot;failed&quot;>Fail</option><option value=&quot;abandoned&quot;>Abandon</option></select>"}, "action_enabled": "1", "max_executions": "-1", "action_executed": "0", "executed_datetime": [], "action_simple_value": "", "deactivate_actions_when_executed": []}, "action/core/print_barcode_label/1.0": {"curr_user": "", "action_name": "Print Label", "action_user": [], "description": "Print Label", "method_name": "do_action_print_barcode_label", "action_order": "0", "capture_data": "no", "printer_opts": {"label_style": "", "printer_name": ""}, "captured_data": {}, "action_enabled": "1", "max_executions": "-1", "action_executed": "0", "executed_datetime": [], "action_simple_value": "", "deactivate_actions_when_executed": []}}, "group_name": "Core Actions", "group_order": "1"}, "tube_xfer": {"actions": {"action/workflow_step_queue/link_tubes_auto/1.0": {"curr_user": "", "action_name": "Plasma Isolation Tube to Tube", "method_name": "do_action_link_tubes_auto", "capture_data": "yes", "printer_opts": {"label_style": "", "printer_name": ""}, "simple_value": "", "captured_data": {"_capture_barcodes": "<textarea name=&quot;discard_barcodes&quot; rows=&quot;24&quot; cols=&quot;50&quot;></textarea>"}, "action_enabled": "1", "child_data_obj": {}, "max_executions": "-1", "workflow_to_attach": {"workflow/assay-workset/hla-typing/1.2/": {"json_addl": {"properties": {"comments": "", "step_number": "0"}}}}, "child_container_obj": {}, "child_workflow_step_obj": {"workflow_step/queue/extraction-queue-available/*/": {"json_addl": {"properties": {"comments": "", "step_number": "0"}}}}, "attach_under_root_workflow": {"workflow/assay/hla-typing/1.2/": {}}, "deactivate_actions_when_executed": []}}, "group_name": "Tube Transfer Actions", "group_order": "2"}}, "action_imports": {"core": {"actions": {"action/core/*/1.0/": {}}, "group_name": "Core Actions", "group_order": "1"}, "tube_xfer": {"actions": {"action/workflow_step_queue/link_tubes_auto/1.0/": {}}, "group_name": "Tube Transfer Actions", "group_order": "2"}}, "instantiable_n": "*", "expected_inputs": [], "step_properties": {"comments": "", "step_number": "", "end_operator": "", "end_timestamp": "", "start_operator": "", "start_timestamp": ""}, "expected_outputs": [], "instantiation_layouts": [],
# I'm cropping the action_user and executed datetime lists short here, but they end up getting enormous in the databse
"action_executed": "4386", 
"action_user": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ...abbreviated], 
"executed_datetime": ["2024-01-12 20:03:11 EST-0500", "2024-01-12 20:05:16 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:02 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:12 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:22 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:32 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:42 EST-0500", "2024-01-13 16:32:52 EST-0500"...abbreviated], 
btype                     | queue
polymorphic_discriminator | workflow_step_instance
super_type                | workflow_step
b_sub_type                | plasma-isolation-queue-available
created_dt                | 2024-01-12 19:38:27.181661+00
version                   | 1.0
bstate                    | active
bstatus                   | ready
is_deleted                | f
template_uuid             | 6e13ff7c-8594-4cc6-94a0-f9e5adc04877
modified_dt               | 2024-01-13 23:58:27.732572+00