Dazzingdusk / Base_On_Lwip_MQTT_SN_Client

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MQTT_SN over LwIP #3

Open PAk-CatchFire opened 3 years ago

PAk-CatchFire commented 3 years ago

Hello. Since comments are written in Japanese, I am not sure about this, but:

Have you written a MQTT-SN implementation over LwIP? In this case this is the first implementation I have seen. How do you see performance?

Why don't you share it on the Lwip group? Is it totally transparent to LwIP? How do you connect the UDP stack?

Thank you

Dazzingdusk commented 3 years ago

hi. This project does implement mqtt_sn client on lwip+FreeRTOS and has been tested and verified by cooperating with the open source mqtt_gateway and mosquito; But the implementation of mqtt-gateway based on the current environment is not complete; the implementation is completely transparent to lwip, but it depends Some mechanisms and APIs of FreeRTOS have been introduced. As for why not open source sharing in the lwip group, the main reason is that the project has no time to continue to improve, so it was shelved and not continued! Thank you