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Switch bills to bylls #138

Closed cammyjee closed 7 years ago

cammyjee commented 7 years ago

Tangerine account is almost empty, bylls.com pays your bills with bitcoin.


findkiko commented 7 years ago

Bylls is on hiatus or defunct at the moment. There's enough money for Jan (20th) internet in the account. We need a workaround by 20th Feb.

astupidmoose commented 7 years ago

I got an email from bylls about this a few weeks ago:

You will still be able to pay your bills manually by contacting us directly. In order to pay a bill manually, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact us at info@bylls.com
  2. State which bill you want to pay
  3. State your bill number
  4. State the amount
  5. If you have not already registered this biller, or if you are unsure if the biller is registered, let us know and we will manually check our list and tell you.
  6. We will manually send you a Bitcoin address and a price quote to pay the bill.

Should still work that way if needed.

findkiko commented 7 years ago

Bump. To my knowledge we've got 10 days left to pay the internet bill.

chiselinc commented 7 years ago

Has anything happened on the Internet bill? If not, i can pay it this month interim, i actually came across the post it where i have the account info, from last time it crashed.

Let me know if bylls is coming through otherwise I'll pay it before the deadline passes

cammyjee commented 7 years ago

@chiselinc yup the auto payment failed last night funny enough. @astupidmoose I can't remember our stipulation for membership. Would you want to pay our bill at least until bylls is automated again?