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Fix nvm overiding node version for other apps on hashi box #171

Closed findkiko closed 7 years ago

findkiko commented 7 years ago

I just spent 20min diagnosing/fixing etherpad as node command had been hijacked. (It had been running from memory until a recent reboot.) I'm getting pretty tired of fixing things that node versioning breaks... (The other week it was the vending machine.)

I had to temporarily hard code the etherpad scripts to /usr/bin/node but this will break on an upgrade of etherpad.

This was caused by /usr/local/bin being before /usr/bin in $PATH. I think this should really be the other way around in this instance; ie. if an app needs something other than upstream node, then it should call it directly. Maybe the solution would be to call the manually installed node newnode or something so there's no namespace clash.

I'm not even sure what other applications on that system are calling node and not getting the expected system version.


findkiko commented 7 years ago

I think this should be moot now. nodejs v7.4.0 is upstream. There's new etherpad-lite packages too. I think we just need to upgrade everything and remove any manually installed stuff. I'll wait until later though as people are using etherpad to do tonights meeting agenda.

asoltys commented 7 years ago

doh, sorry for the hassle. we could consider dockerizing all our services so they don't clash in the future.

findkiko commented 7 years ago

K. I'm going to move these over here as this was supposed to be the meatspace issues/wiki. We just never had anywhere else for the software stuff until now.