DctrlVan / DCTRL

DCTRL meat-space issues and wiki
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Available Resources for Projects #180

Closed chiselinc closed 5 years ago

chiselinc commented 7 years ago

David, Taylor and I are sorting more stuff out and we've found some cool project resources in the backroom-- could move forward some issues that we've let stagnate, and even set the foundation for new bounty projects.

Running list:

findkiko commented 7 years ago

Yup. The grey projector is also mine(!) but is up for dctrl consumption, its only 800x600 resolution but still good for throwing up a big diagram or logo or something. Installing the 2nd mag-lock has been an open issue for a while, there's debate if it will actually be useful on the back room, it will certainly be a Taylor head hazard though. Lava lamp was rescued from Freddies stuff, think it just needs a bulb as you say.