DctrlVan / DCTRL

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Makerfaire #55

Closed findkiko closed 8 years ago

findkiko commented 8 years ago

Confirm this years hardware (+ art?) projects and commit to a Makerfaire booth.

We need to also think about our branding strategy for this.

I'm thinking our main project should be the tele-presence robot, but open to ideas.

It might also be a good opportunity to publicize a more interactive/polished sidewalk demo, or maybe we could do an award ceremony for the sidewalk hackathon entries at makerfaire. (Actual demos work better at night).

findkiko commented 8 years ago

Would be great to locate my pull-down projector screen for this. It was very useful last year and I have no idea where it's gone to, last seen in the main room by the coats (Note: it's not the little blue one that's there now).

astupidmoose commented 8 years ago

I should be free makerfaire weekend to help out with the booth as needed, we can also use my truck for move-in/move-out if needed.

findkiko commented 8 years ago

March 15 is application deadline. $60 for groups/non-profit. Perhaps this might be better served under the bitcoin co-op umbrella?