DctrlVan / DCTRL

DCTRL meat-space issues and wiki
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Establish prospectus/rules for 3D-printer crowdfund. Then promote it widely. #77

Closed findkiko closed 8 years ago

findkiko commented 8 years ago

I'd be keen for us to promote this endeavour more widely, but feel we should lock down what exactly we are planning to offer contributors etc.

I understand some people are unlikely to go through the learning process of using the printer, but I also hope that it will provide a stream of useful items for the space that might indirectly benefit them regardless, whether it be a simple coat hook, parts for a vending machine or custom saleable merchandise for events etc. I guess I'm just trying to communicate that this needn't be seen as just a geeky toy; with the right design and business acumen, it can pay its own way in the world.

So I'm asking the crowd for wisdom and ideas...