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DeFiChain Improvement Proposals (DFIP) & Community Fund Proposals (CFP)
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DFIP-2202-A: Deposit of a Masternode as security for a loan #107

Closed derstrecker closed 2 years ago

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

DFIP Overview

Requester(s): derstrecker [Github] aka Abuna Semai [Telegram] Proposal fee (50 DFI) txid: Inspired by Agent Switters :)

When the Freezer-Masternodes (MN) were introduced, there was the idea of enabling a change of owner of a Freezer-MN at some point, i.e. the sale. Based on this, the following idea:

The owner of a house can generate rental income as well as take out a mortgage on the house in order to be liquid. The same financial principle can also apply to masternodes: The rental income corresponds to the rewards, the mortgage to the following:

Possible deposit of a MN as security for a loan. This loan can amount to a maximum of 10K in dUSD, in order to remain at the maximum of an auction tranche (anything else is likely to be too complicated to implement for the time being). If the value of the MN falls below 10K (unlikely, but not impossible), the collateral (here the MN) can be auctioned off, as usual. I.e. after a successful auction, a change of owner takes place. According the Defichain-Masternode Telegram-channel, the function for transferring a masternode is already programmed, just not yet implemented. Since the masternodes run on the desktop wallet, the Vault/Loan function must be added there.

The Dfip includes:

In this update optional, not mandatory:

In order to take into account the higher value of a freezer MN, the lending rates can be adjusted accordingly. According to the current value, a normal MN would have a collateralisation ratio of 670% and would be subject to a selected min. coll. ratio of e.g. 200%, which would cost 2% in fees. A 5Y freezer node could have a 25% discount on these fees, and a 10Y freezer node could have a 50% discount. The min. coll. ratio can be determined by the borrower as before within the scope of possibilities.

Network Security The network would not be subject to instability since an auction and a change of owner would be quick. Freezer MNs can still not be resigned after an owner change and keeps on its original freeze-duration (current share of freezer MN in the network: 31%, as of 26.1.2022, according to statistics from mydefichain). Also, the liquidation of a MN is unlikely, as with 20,000 Dfi of the MN and minimum collateralisation of 150%, the Dfi price would have to fall to 0.667 cents. In addition, if the existing vaults or a separate type of vault with otherwise similar functionality are equipped with this option, there is the security that the MN owner can add additional tokens for protection, such as dUSDC or dBTC, until the Dfi share reaches the usual minimum 50%, thus doubling the protection.

Since all masternode owners benefit from this, everyone was invited to help setting it up by helping to raise the Dfip fees, which are 50 Dfi in total. These are already collected on this address:

How does this DFIP benefit the DeFiChain community?


DFIP Übersicht

Antragsteller: derstrecker [Github] aka Abuna Semai [Telegram] Vorschlagsgebühr (50 DFI) txid: Inspiriert von Agent Switters :)

Bei Eröffnung der Freezer-Masternodes (MN) gab es die Idee irgendwann einmal einen Ownerwechsel einer Freezer-MN zu ermöglichen, also den Verkauf. Darauf aufbauend folgende Idee:

Der Besitzer eines Hauses kann sowohl Mieteinnahmen generieren, als auch sich eine Hypothek auf das Haus aufnehmen, um liquide zu sein. Dasselbe Finanzprinzip kann auch für Masternodes gelten: Die Mieteeinnahmen entsprechen dabei den Rewards, die Hypothek dem folgenden:

Mögliche Hinterlegung einer MN als Sicherheit für einen Loan. Dieser Loan kann maximal 10K in dUSD betragen, um beim Maximum einer Auktionstranche zu bleiben (alles Andere dürfte vorerst von der Umsetzung zu kompliziert werden). Fällt der Wert der MN unter die 10K (unwahrscheinlich, aber nicht unmöglich), kann das Collateral (hier die MN) ersteigert werden, so wie gehabt. Dh nach einer erfolgreichen Versteigerung findet ein Ownerwechsel statt. Laut dem Defichain-Masternode Telegram-Kanal ist die Funktion zum Übertragen eines Masternodes bereits programmiert, nur noch nicht implementiert. Da die Masternodes auf der Desktop-Wallet laufen, muss die Vault/Loan-Funktion dort hinzugefügt werden.

Das Dfip beinhaltet:

In diesem Update optional, nicht obligatorisch:

Um den höheren Wert einer gefreezten MN zu berücksichtigen, können die Beleihungszinsen entsprechend angepasst sein. Nach aktuellem Wert hätte eine normale MN 670% Collateralization Ratio und würde bei einer gewählten Min. Coll. Ratio von z.B. 200% 2% Gebühren kosten. Bei einer 5Y gefreezten Node könnte ein Rabatt auf diese Gebühren von 25% erfolgen, bei einer 10Y gefreezten von 50%. Die Min. Coll. Ratio kann dabei wie bisher auch vom Loan-Nehmer im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten selbst bestimmt werden.

Netzwerksicherheit Das Netz wäre nicht instabil, da eine Versteigerung und ein Wechsel des Eigentümers schnell erfolgen würden. Freezer-MN können nach einem Ownerwechsel weiterhin nicht aufgelöst werden und behalten ihre ursprüngliche Freeze-Dauer bei (aktueller Anteil der Freezer-MN im Netzwerk: 31%, Stand 26.1.2022, laut Statistik von mydefichain). Auch ist die Liquidierung einer MN unwahrscheinlich, da bei 20.000 Dfi der MN und Mindestbesicherung von 150% der Dfi-Preis auf 0,667 Cent fallen müsste. Zusätzlich besteht die Sicherheit, wenn die bisherigen Vaults oder eine gesonderte Art von Vaults mit sonst gleicher Funktionsweise mit dieser Möglichkeit bestückt werden, dass der MN-Owner zusätzlich weitere Token zur Absicherung, wie dUSDC oder dBTC hinzufügen kann, bis der Dfi-Anteil die üblichen Mindest-50% beträgt, somit die Absicherung verdoppelt werden kann.

Da alle Masternode-Besitzer davon profitieren, wurde jeder eingeladen, bei der Einrichtung zu helfen, indem sie die Dfip-Gebühren, die insgesamt 50 Dfi betragen, gemeinsam aufbringen. Diese werden bereits unter dieser Adresse gesammelt:

Wie profitiert die DeFiChain-Gemeinschaft von diesem DFIP?


I understand that vote of confidence for DFIP carries no obligations by any developers to implement the proposals. DeFiChain is a community projects. Pull requests can be submitted by community and reserved to be evaluated for safety and general community acceptance.

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

Please note the Reddit discussion, what was open for one month, is deleted, since all can also be discussed here. After I raised this Dfip some additional questions were added there, so I will transfer them here:

"Any research already on what downsides this DFIP coud have or some if/then scenarios?" This proposal was under discussion on Guthib and Reddit for 1 month, until I opened the Dfip. The links were posted several times on all relevant Telegram-Defichain-Groups. The only concern was the security of the network, which I addressed best as I could. There may be more scenarios, of course.

"Is there an estimate of how many masternodes would possibly use the offer and how much impact that would have on the liquidity mining pools and the current price shift?" Since it is impossible to send a message to all masternode owners and do a poll, this can not be answered. All reactions since one month always had been positive and many told "I will vote for this with my MN". According the usual weak participation on votings in the past, only some discussion on Reddit and Github (nevertheless very valueable), I also decided to put this proposal on donation basis for collecting the fees, before transferring it into a Dfip. This should show the openness and willingness in action. The fees had been collected only after about 2 days, so I was encouraged to put this up. Regarding the LM: All such actions on a Blockchain effect their work, rewards, etc. I can't see a special problem with this one - but that's the reason for the RFC period.

"Who will implement this function, has this already been discussed with the coreteam or do we have to hope that they will implement it? And what if not?" Since this is my first Dfip, I asked for help in all relevant Telegram-Defichain-Groups. None told me, that there is a need to ask the coreteam or how to contact them. Even now this need seems not to exist, since I couldn't find a note on the procedure to set up a Dfip with this need, but I may be wrong, since it makes sense. Until now, it seems no one knows about this, if it does exist. It is a community project and everyone can propose, so it's told. Part of the Dfip already was discussed and somewhat accepted in the past: The transfer of ownership of freezer-nodes, so this Dfip adds only one more step to this. Additionally I tried to open this issue on a discussion on twitter, but was removed as soon as I tried out for "formal reasons". Since there always is a "Non-obligation" note on all Dfips, everything always is open and never final. There may be good reasons to not include this feature - but since it exists in traditional finance, there should be found a decentralised way. Nevertheless I look forward, since those who vote for it, are those who benefit first. Masternodes are the technical heart of every Blockchain, and the idea itself is "pure DeFi", as I understand it. To strenghten and support the heart, and encourage to open up and keep more MN, should strenghten the whole system at the core.

bernd-mack commented 2 years ago

I don't understand exactly how the DEFICHAIN as a whole will benefit. What I do understand is that the masternodes are voting on whether they should get $10k free loan per masternode through this DFIP. And quite provocatively asked, would that be different from the approach if each masternode votes to receive a $10k airdrop?

This is a decision that should be well considered and from my point of view should include a clean technical analysis of the pros and cons which does not exist at this point. Maybe the team behind the DFIP can provide this or maybe make a video with the Defichain news team where this is clearly described.

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

I don't understand exactly how the DEFICHAIN as a whole will benefit. What I do understand is that the masternodes are voting on whether they should get $10k free loan per masternode through this DFIP. And quite provocatively asked, would that be different from the approach if each masternode votes to receive a $10k airdrop?

This is a decision that should be well considered and from my point of view should include a clean technical analysis of the pros and cons which does not exist at this point. Maybe the team behind the DFIP can provide this or maybe make a video with the Defichain news team where this is clearly described.

An additional, logical and in traditional finance usual incentive (like a mortage) to set up a masternode indeed will benefit the project as a whole. It was also an incentive to freeze nodes, which was newly introduced last year. One may also argument, that only masternode owners benefit from this change, since the rewards could be doubled by freezing. But that would be too short sighted. Furthermore not putting up and resigning Masternodes according where the rewards are higher compared to the LM pools, as it was the case when dToken were introduced, may be smoothed out.

An airdrop is not a loan. The difference is the same like in all vaults. Masternodes DFI are the same DFI than all vaults require. All loans need to be payed back, airdrops don't. I think the importance of masternodes and what it takes to be willing to even freeze such an amount of collateral is underestimated. Same when doubling the rewards when freezing for 10 years wasn't an airdrop. As I said, in finance it can be compared to a usual mortage on a house. No bank will give you the money for free (airdrop) without the house as collateral. Same here.

Shouldn't all changes on the Defichain be analysed to their technical details? No difference here and this has to be done. All description I can provide is included in this Dfip. Fears what might be don't help. If there are any objective arguments which oppose this proposal, there was one month beforehand for collecting questions and still is the RFC period, and of course the non-obligation footer. If someone has technical arguments against this, or to improve the idea, he/she is very welcome to raise them. It is a community project. In my opinion the effects of this Dfip can much more and easier be forseen than some of the latest changes, like the dUsd parity.

defiuser2 commented 2 years ago

In my point of view Defichain benefits in different ways. On the one hand with this feature there is one more reason to lock up your masternodes which a) secures the network when more people lock up there nodes and b) locks up DFI. DFI which are locked up cannot be sold to dump the market. Also what has been pointed out already is that only a few masternode owners are able to benefit from this. The flipside of this is that the rewards for individual masternodes drops when more people lock up there nodes. I disagree with the airdrop comparison as the loan has to be paid back when you want to resign the node later on when your lock up period is done.

frankleekaimin commented 2 years ago

From an economic perspective, I feel that for vaults to work properly, all wallet operations should be allowed within the vault, be it LM, freezing, or staking. Otherwise, the loss of utility when placing your tokens as collateral in a vault results in the premium on dAssets.

However, from a DFI enhancement perspective, I’m not convinced that allowing LM/staking within the vault is beneficial for DFI adoption not price action. After all, block rewards are paid in DFI, and allowing leverage into block rewards simply reduces the pie for everyone else, unless they are leveraged as well. At least with freezing, it’s reasonable to allow MN holders to get a bigger share for their long term commitment to DFI. However, I can’t see the same for vaults.

Dcshel commented 2 years ago

I think this is a beneficial thing for Defichain as a MN used as collateral will necessarily lock up DFI while it has loans outstanding and will provide more potential for Node owners to utilize their capital in another way. But my question is how can this be possible to "transfer onwership" of someones defauted assets in a node that is running on their hardware/software? Seems to me that the node would have to be forced to stop earning rewards and assets go to liquidation auction just like other Vault assets.

Spaceghost321 commented 2 years ago

(At first my english is not the best)

I like the idea and think this can improve the DeFiChain heavily and make it rdy for the time when the main supply of DFI is generated.

We have know over 10k MN and in the future around the year 2030 the rewards of a block Including the Fees are way to low for maby 30k MN or more that we can have them possibly. With this great feature the extrem high number of MN are possible to hold and make DeFichain unique against mostly others blockchains.

It would also give a further push to decentralization and encourage many people to create an own MN. This would in turn result in millions of FDI being tied up in MN.

Lets bring DFI to the Moon together :-)

Dcshel commented 2 years ago

Also the more MN's there are, the lower the rewards for each MN; the rewards are spread amoung nodes, meaning lower and lower rewards for current MN owners correct? Meaning less desirable to even stake a MN. Somewhere there is point of diminishing returns on everything. So, maybe this hurts rather than helps in the long run?

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

Also the more MN's there are, the lower the rewards for each MN; the rewards are spread amoung nodes, meaning lower and lower rewards for current MN owners correct? Meaning less desirable to even stake a MN. Somewhere there is point of diminishing returns on everything. So, maybe this hurts rather than helps in the long run?

Depends on the perspective: More MN mean stabilization of the whole project. But also mean less rewards for each MN. But since 10K can be taken out as a loan, this amount can generate more rewards, in LM for example. At the end, all parts of the project and people involved should benefit. For newcomers setting up a MN would be more interesting, since regardless the constantly falling Apr (from the 1.658% reduction all 11 days), setting up a MN becomes more interesting because of the option to take a loan.

For decentralising Defichain, many more private MN are needed, since 7866 of 10812 MN are run by Cake (, means almost 73%. So an incentive to set up a new node should be welcomed.

In my case, for example, I would likely use the loan to set up an additional MN.

Dcshel commented 2 years ago

Ah! Yes I agree. More independent nodes are a good thing and we do need to encourage more to join the network. Let's do this!

5gg2 commented 2 years ago
  1. If everyone deposits their masternodes as collateral, there will be enormous price pressure on DFIs and DFIs will crash because many no longer need new DFIs and simply take the MNs. This is not good.

  2. The fellow masternodes at cake cannot participate and change this either. Unfair.

derstrecker commented 2 years ago
  1. If everyone deposits their masternodes as collateral, there will be enormous price pressure on DFIs and DFIs will crash because many no longer need new DFIs and simply take the MNs. This is not good.

-> A price pressure exists, if people want to sell their Dfi. You need 20K Dfi to create a MN first. An encouragement to create MN will lead to more demand for Dfi, so increased buy pressure. A loan for a MN can only be taken in dUsd. There is no effect on Dfi, since dUsd are minted only. A $10K loan maximum on 20K Dfi is not much (Coll. ratio 500% at a Dfi price of $2.50). If currently someone would put 20K Dfi into a vault without a MN, he/she could mint much more, easily 20K in dUsd and still end up with a coll. ratio of 250% at the respected price.

  1. The fellow masternodes at cake cannot participate and change this either. Unfair.

Since Cake was able to implement the freezer feature of the Masternodes for their clients, and also the ability to vote for each 20K Dfi in the freezer, the option of a loan for those 20K-clients who already profit from the current features, Cake should technically be able to offer loans, too. This only depends on Cake, not this Dfip.

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8JcvCqCPJ5ZsaWNhedB4NvxU6nVzCtdHiB "dfip-2202-a-yes" IPGnPXzqBqgwx8xQI02z+yjKZS3ZzRAbHm0WpPEfP0k8JahpGy7ogcompy+wauhvL2XSde+5d7uE+Heq/boFj/A=

signmessage 8FVMmYhqcvGWak2mLfCBPA972uE3La9b5D "dfip-2202-a-yes" IG6ck2l/yMte3ydQauIgFUh8ue+B8s0ZhK4TrKpFj6i3R5Ez2WsjzU7RdbMI9fK3Xmgvjhzr0As2+hyOg2a9Z+s=

vorpalmusic commented 2 years ago

A $10K loan maximum on 20K Dfi is not much (Coll. ratio 500% at a Dfi price of $2.50). If currently someone would put 20K Dfi into a vault without a MN, he/she could mint much more, easily 20K in dUsd and still end up with a coll. ratio of 250% at the respected price.

I really like this idea and I will personally use it, if implemented. That said, wouldn't it make more sense for the maximum loan to be set as a % of total DFI instead of an arbitrary value in USD?

The price of DFI changes every minute and we have already seen the deposit requirement change too. Next year, DFI could be $10 and the deposit could be 10,000 DFI.

What if the loan maximum were 1/5th of current MN value instead?

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

A $10K loan maximum on 20K Dfi is not much (Coll. ratio 500% at a Dfi price of $2.50). If currently someone would put 20K Dfi into a vault without a MN, he/she could mint much more, easily 20K in dUsd and still end up with a coll. ratio of 250% at the respected price.

I really like this idea and I will personally use it, if implemented. That said, wouldn't it make more sense for the maximum loan to be set as a % of total DFI instead of an arbitrary value in USD?

The price of DFI changes every minute and we have already seen the deposit requirement change too. Next year, DFI could be $10 and the deposit could be 10,000 DFI.

What if the loan maximum were 1/5th of current MN value instead?

Your ideas maybe will be some improvement for a future update, but the problem that needs to be solved is that auctions currently are done in tranches and if, there must be found a way to put a frozen MN in separate tranches for an auction - currently I don't see an easy way to do that. This proposal is easy to implement for now and an encouragement for every current and future MN owner. If someone will find a better way, surely I will support this with my vote :).

vorpalmusic commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8cZqD6X14ipFqmvz6pYYR5p7Dp5n4xc9VT "DFIP-2202-A-yes" IE/x/R1puS9/YUtYBX381Dm1lrhUw4lAmaz6ykgywjmvaqCdiP6r7ogEtB6N5IEeGYtKMEbdpGfe/YLeLz4y8cg= signmessage 8YwJAeTeSGtpj1q9wifeppyFn5DvezibGS "DFIP-2202-A-yes" IDKokoIfGJ/iTZhcYvumjM40ER4wCpJjR7gmPfBSOD9cCLt/B3ULwZumQuJFuCudW2leLxJbbMzHJQSTQOGnyUg= signmessage 8b1GoQ7RruyCW9Q9V2iTFdRxtTSBqeA3De "DFIP-2202-A-yes" IA0NlLEvVme9ck2krO/zeABHjOUjARNtSVWPeNdwlVX2RKtfItYC60d9H1b4mvPTfErh7M2hcIgP2igPwXSvXec=

Spaceghost321 commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8HfkoSZZcDd4FCnMjH741RRSqiFnUbGirB "dfip-2202-a-yes" H1NqEmb6lc/NAEkfLu22R6MseOKpH3lxDaj/9BXx77ZURxjaxGtgP6V4sBOHqKifiDAPuYqSoJWGY17phZWhmr0=

signmessage 8btPJ556VVjGyBogMfuQ4XQQ2yvPZXEqTq "dfip-2202-a-yes" IMUotDYFVSN5n3Cr/Wyt8aGBULg4DuxP7FE2f6CKW0eYHVBys7bt2qcfqzMoBVqhpFtrekPrGocJSD6Hv+cfYrc=

signmessage 8S3HdyCJXsHLEbDQXZeq7dCZiY75mrgKcd "dfip-2202-a-yes" H+McvsHb5FMCljlzsTuWgbW+fPWxrQLlQQGxUHqJSNLBVR5olb67pU8oUBRbIZHNBuJc7MWMZ6kVLV28npe0xK4=

signmessage 8VCEq8DyEprT9mNnD2yixZbi2mHKEybTuX "dfip-2202-a-yes" H61/2ymjZ2DNsNzh11Kf7+molvr99ZJaT1xShMSRS1xmTebWKz9A5dfLSAZGUuPCBApvBdWQ7HGdOynY8NhIp8s=

signmessage 8FrLC9Z9qzeSudeoK6Djpp3nntaEwsgxro "dfip-2202-a-yes" IMZN5jZWOXqRlW5akzWPXg+mfw2+uShyYPaDud2BqQgvGEgG2+PTlaP0DiU1YEQ0qkPkYYUnaSWdfWVW7FRX1Zc=

signmessage 8W3p2pQ4qREp38Mfg5xW1WSZaLC7wSQZQu "dfip-2202-a-yes" HwhrKHvNg8+OK7MsmqJ/Sf0206NzVQs9F8ODVtaO3VfPbt0xpAs50T8/sPn5aZ3+pE5ORjInOHRT3p4iQmyrn1s=

felixdragon commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8bqBT3B3Rn1vfSeAkmpSXsioEkfsJD9whh dfip-2202-a-yes Hx+RzR34l0htfxd7/IfT63V5WDesM/rGMVgVVxKl7rrRbmaCiLZeyiYmQ7gqdLCcOv7ckPNklaSXMJOzAFeMm5c= $ defi-cli signmessage 8JovU82FxqxWFLtMdzcNCHXimJYHyiBGUs dfip-2202-a-yes H/V40QzJdagWcK7CmA7PtqNV6VPuOYbCY57bl9OaKDx+SUAyySnsKuA0SX+ttUMYpQfqgk0o+VJ2Fnl6LmW1Bgw= $ defi-cli signmessage 8L9CfzTqMR7QSnULKM1Be46tiWfZ2D9XXC dfip-2202-a-yes IHsqo+FkdSxhsuBBM6tD4eqSQ9H2MLgiXmQakpI3VdZRSUjhkPPX1ggJbs+Np3SwuIdeOvMNqxgH5f/nC5JLWfo= $ defi-cli signmessage 8MoxTLv4oYLiYzpSMnvqfa9ZHepDrdCKhx dfip-2202-a-yes IMr2TyTWmrWT0z3LAlhV/Q6TJRyVOcZzsgXEFhBNlo3Reb0eFmXt2TAPvNmSh2pyOmj2bDPxJfBN+2xinlybgxY= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Mq36vWAzPKkg4av8kbHao8gwY7Z2k5Wcy dfip-2202-a-yes ICwz8AbR3oLc5U5cqhwkTMVX5gZ0b6UVr/kxNADkWCi+bs4ZPCaVKUpRAFU3852fkepkXFJjX17r2QhBQXwxBIM= $ defi-cli signmessage 8MGq16hAzEWEoaRvvaods9idm3TTajKFFQ dfip-2202-a-yes Hwl1KVVbX8/MpG0nbT96i2Bs3XXq0bS0QrPveAylLa1HKGWSA13bmkPwV39OjRNPGLugT+F6pt/ylinEx5JYiRw= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Vzr6bBpGwyTcq6KBQmXQsdjSR4wBiqoX7 dfip-2202-a-yes IPm2Hv1gLuuibI0+VuIoqKVDPqgVfqvy23JpMus4b3kyceiTtoOgGm8wSo6XWqiGsPFgEkQeFJN/As/NGq7cFfk= $ defi-cli signmessage 8USxDePCDMhQfHr4TGE5ZNpRuR67vQjagN dfip-2202-a-yes ICRSIpbpEuBZG11vrwBChnBuhhjOPrx9//6HIFJFUQXSZ9tXsDUhgTJNGUSWgUlMpVrGBDtqHsr5lL9c9aa0J0Q= $ defi-cli signmessage 8XsZzenNeq2cKvHi8DM7kNCQvBLKMKMjAi dfip-2202-a-yes IKYq6xDJ0Rohu0mW+FSRUfs2lka2eDK9pr+Y2fc8E0uYR/oEWa1ECFat9/a5QoZ2QjNU0qPOY2VXhy63Xz0T8Y8= $ defi-cli signmessage 8WwKw5t5GbxNqJKfUxFF3eazRVaG8Zu5Kq dfip-2202-a-yes IFR4Sm3pMP3Pcy5Br6qYoQ+BgLE8XZtLKBQYIoQ1VYFhVipenVdNlgfrKCwK3dX+bbueIr49kHqSWr3f1bghe3M= $ defi-cli signmessage 8SaaUendV285cdVtgPvuwbnoRTwDKdRwVV dfip-2202-a-yes IH3+6y7YLxNGzAWTxBjcoKsvZusl6QHfOsByF3d1D07GIJ6OKgUZIcVOmaUKyxnugvxxf/X6Pwz1diee5VnpjL0=

defiuser2 commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8NU1UrckihBcfkKzaQ3j1WXqyhphWGPRd4 "dfip-2202-a-yes" IPir4PVjedNI7jZdArTopERwVXPiKQMYJ4CH4yRoi5FfLHopRZRZSxaW2Kc+lvmeEzGOjc1xeLgp/5Y08guOv2o= signmessage 8Jyov8rftj4tJZ8Pfb8UWVpGcENvc54Bbv "dfip-2202-a-yes" H5lvOsnek5yd+5Es+NX2me/NnCf0xi7hnF1jddch+w+9Zlhk1BCXZXsPTGtsXdYF5iq+dHDgc4AqOerdhEE7cY0= signmessage 8Fk9Tppih3a6UJE2xSJnuYPu7Bswxv4ELa "dfip-2202-a-yes" ILeJ6hxSstTF84O8K6MKhXQvWLYtEi0rAjKAldltK4ouUIUsy3bbaaVIntRORj8dFRZ/I15Y/m293U4W7xgdxMk=

dfip-voting commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8VKs5jqADhwRTHVXsf8hhMmJm5r8FpWF7h dfip-2202-a-yes IDSUyUrk8whJR7qfh7uF4FYmlZaAokgO/xzSE5c3AkIHcNLIhTc9rEhqFJsqwLnNUpDJufUtI6SQPfjkDoETF7U=

defichainio commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8cstxyGWcVgFhYcpsxgH7PMePbbXZDCc5S "dfip-2202-a-yes" H1M24n+BLX/b2LnmX0YoQkwgFgT9Ay5YMb0Hx9NYkDXACMjRohS9I54Mtk+2YuaCzIn2pWml8NU+mX/Ju7ZNiGA=

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8XsZzenNeq2cKvHi8DM7kNCQvBLKMKMjAi dfip-2202-a-yes


Hi! Someone from the community found, that this vote wasn't counted. It is not shown here: May you recheck and vote again? :)

dfip-voting commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8cXiD6ye5SPy1EqUF7PiyqQsWsJs5mtMuJ dfip-2202-a-yes H2+IQYy2L55o+hhXpWSFn2p70SYw/ToHRoGHRGg9m5zuP7HLgMcjQhNMvXbO+p5ZWYyofrd8wCZK+d6DOk5zgVQ=

dirkdirk29 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8ZazLdqc7T5au7jgUDhj2YYP2BKzEzcWNL drip-2202-a-yes H4X3gRWZoz/wENY7+9RGL27NiK3Kq0QrchNb8D5SF7BuZ/nAG0CznGGtZk8Ny1HZkLa1fdupUJdkVb2nsiZw7To= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Xtq834bvsDZk7kndibZYT1i57Q3qhazjX dfip-2202-a-yes IDEx4xlYsukx8B0xthCpCmxqYqZu6+KmGw2UbDwDPMomdkP0GpWNvvSHs3y0lR768uwmgHeEC4L23mUb38q5DnU= $ defi-cli signmessage 8XjB4DguVc7GLWM8JWaEf8uk7173rzDqna dfip-2202-a-yes H/n44RjBsuLksnDsKJBZSnH+PzjU8clE2ZZGjRypHKBXb2lVDH7LjJJXMj2pPW6ViVvBcwwvrstGJ28EO0oGXWs=

gatscheHub commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8Hhvz5DunPsVcAXNRLxUuhJFojG4VJDGWY dfip-2202-a-yes IKDBNIn1mJTgKTwLaBLAX4QP5pI9dBoPPpGOPl6bxeAPNh8w09K4CprVfM8o4syQtgEpKqZzDML/Essc9wtdGJk=

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all current supporters of this Dfip! :)

riddikilus commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8HJGgMQR8rS9ZaLiWsRwJSmgvComw6AmDK dfip-2202-a-no H0BHjgFEX48WqRQnkfhDSXsmuW5sTHp6ArYFu3E6pH0/GDlsHvaTsdeyN4ZlhV6kYMpZCb3ml/yWNu6rLp047Sw=

ToSMaverick commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8KMn7gS1L7DkMdwByAsTs7XrJWPYWUNCgu "dfip-2202-a-yes" IAb3Tb3FVw02qUlPpZZKmMoKI2Vip4t9UUAoZtZ6/YipI0Xg9XUCaSM62HEVur2YxseOP0/Dv62unEyHAsDDeOE=

tooltimefan commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8UL765wzwtmjuyCDgYFroHuvMPLmoxCjVq "dfip-2202-a-neutral" IHPZieegv2Uq1Ye4LKLI4PuCK6KSUnX3X9AzgOvWRBSWTCmxLQqFLtul/e1QXLwYOSRSisaMDJyS2sO8/t92BjE=

derstrecker commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8UL765wzwtmjuyCDgYFroHuvMPLmoxCjVq "dfip-2202-c-neutral" IHPZieegv2Uq1Ye4LKLI4PuCK6KSUnX3X9AzgOvWRBSWTCmxLQqFLtul/e1QXLwYOSRSisaMDJyS2sO8/t92BjE=

This is dfip-2202-a. You did vote for dfip-2202-c.

tooltimefan commented 2 years ago

I just copied out of the Cake platform.. so I'm not sure what to do right now why they set there another line of script

Anisokorie commented 2 years ago

signmessage 8ToXLZMgBfHY6CbpWLUdAqCcLUyVN5WnoE dfip-2202-a-yes H8ey+C27KOTMW3Hf4F21hnVtG1nLESYxID1mWUix2IYPTx55yil7M4Ex8ejfLmRdyRLhmCwogVBaAS2vzIi4xwQ=

Anaconda7777 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8JSpPYYsortvhD1aVd7uTLyVZRbYpDWWW2 "dfip-2202-a-yes" H/NUXjY1vZXEIZZkX68cPbicqmujPtDb3tANKKUTvTU6V8Jej62wCjoDTlxjaHwYCSZ6hbHAEaoQG0zwDR/2S4Q= $ defi-cli signmessage 8YAZQvKLFnZdrg5KuKwPPET6bxGqxDHxcJ "dfip-2202-a-yes" H7E0g5lNOsLgmiWhAPywofvNBl8/RTa9nxUcBkV4EiQ7BSxj7L33rELVUJu4sEnHq5wfv7mWUbWhab+luvdpsB0=

Gainto commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8Y8ipNH9sFxSeK6jgVhuGmBNdAspAyBMFR "dfip-2202-a-yes" ICq+1VP+GVQ9afn9zlcuWCNbk1eHrmitDV5VO2uUF9RFQkde9T2vfQA/9Ulg8prS4P7GUaYEncpq4I/0UNQ/Hjc=

naiirad commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8Hhw3meymvVuPhaYfnaqx2o6TBcvW7jhT7 "dfip-2202-a-neutral" IMqyYVUxZ3H/Ua4LFEozHNv3RpDVPuNhFom0x1SgBzppTRTUbwVUmiIw9Q2Lm15KT1eww+kF0mvakXFjvUJqW/I=

Ppavlov0405 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8Jv2n6XkEsVxQnoA9yS9nsRMLmP69Kpbec "dfip-2202-a-yes" IAMuPp1Sn6wHphJwtcV3RKWz+8fKnHyadfFOT+Ii/Yc1EH0sdSwNyxJycmj/KqZLvPx5tu5UAKvc3ke+zbVSu7Y=

Oldman12345 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8RwXyzdt6r9ew56FgHF3QnJNJeFs64RC8g "dfip-2202-a-no" H5HSy7sw9IBv07/49bJxMnF08poE9bn4EaBmXwwEKdjcdJGhkDZ1Jj815LHBbHY4DvVH16X+ETu8uEM2nFXgQzQ= $ defi-cli signmessage 8JQQ3zxrmgMFrY7qGScws5RnYL93xv2Qs1 "dfip-2202-a-no" IJ96vWMNsM8NXJXO8O4bq3ousvLjR0vZw8mEEPJPuF2QKbJg9fyBvSUsQzK55jz99qr8GXHR6qTEBfixhBNonXM=

Smurfxy commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8eJ9GWk27MEZwsS3kUZiSJH4Dw4u56omTQ "dfip-2202-a-yes" IA4Nu0/Yco3nUZpM057+EnGegMEsmLYXjMUzu2ijSNJCSjjnK7ug4OGOMsb3L3FkBDLFpXEp5eQwpNALHQNS7es=

Stixinator90 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8bn66sXka8VkLTsRLRpTDogrrEjvUHXyAN "dfip-2202-a-yes" IKP7rumqXG7NF3plYAihQq9wr57g47t4cMUSZPN2cMv6PqgGF3gOKeivq/hybBsnWTmYRCqjZh/SbjJLH2O1IkM= $ defi-cli signmessage 8bPyLrqM6f7wqzEd57to9ps5rXPhvxomr9 "dfip-2202-a-yes" IOEIOMAhujjHj1909JhHG91goO0/lZSudR8BfTGhKOTLDIAk7rcgShRi6Guyrmme53+hWDtrhQcyhpDnYDdiY+g=

Sunnyville1234 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8L5j436kX39LVjaW9H1oM61mmcdC586zVv "dfip-2202-a-no" H7/0guPWz/GD0zcFzzotukgoL6wJD+Iq5uA89JULfaodaCVDpAU05KXSxbBjJgf/Jdzces2jmFDOan5uC0ZVvsI= $ defi-cli signmessage 8S3mvQqhXLi9dpHtMJrXD6Qz4v1xvTrvVb "dfip-2202-a-no" H/U45+JDTkxVIBw9tyJdwk3BuNjItYUgmD6m9jvUWE83USwegrCqGG2TiIOXLvETvnZ2pij0eSdzTATXWhxaTZw=

Oldman12345 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8cCjj5eE85jTPjeoPYUiX2hhxnDvWJA3n7 "dfip-2202-a-no" H8zAUQ9D0+63or1fAxX6z6LwAwHK/hIB/X0fo6MsH8hjIC3bCCOZQKePpco4opMGIdAovgKFOBR26ldaXnediJo= $ defi-cli signmessage 8HHeHrwcRehtAv1HxpGZAcB33DL39gQaHy "dfip-2202-a-no" H5xr8w6zUEEspRU6qZiUGTsV6AoQ4e4SYoTiohC1YznfKITvBVdJmyOI1HNRIaVSynKK42OzF5I8KDASvKkF5h0= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Fgtktf4Y2DNYin6ZCAUreUu8kGGm8VsRy "dfip-2202-a-no" IPn+sn4PksWGQdOeHko7Uyz9wRz1fnwKFPVt+eMSk+zcSk6Q94xeX7BUFLkfsy4bbmskzjWrU5BO+knHBrstneQ=

JTMFSD commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8KKjA6czGTYQJhNGTF22ARSTfpbasi2zQf "dfip-2202-a-yes" IGsqd1d70/oSUvSfZ42luWKxIN/9DZHLmVJl9hvTbPMJI3g1CRdOQESe32CR0Jlg1IYNqxKzzXlEJZjnF9mvoaI=

fleshless666 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8Kb3rhUXKye9a8UV73a5iiCgCX8BENe63F "dfip-2202-a-yes" IK21hk0M/6zlZIvda/W0kQcBvsK5+BGb5SSIp3AlPIZDXnxKvBA21TM58uItbEW3E0K3ebuPGxwcAxniTS1Oglw=

kneides commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8KdMjDXk2eGj6VHcR94fJjqB7FhwmzTUht "dfip-2202-a-yes" H7CnEQyq5mrf6HuDdArr6xjRFxa0Zy8Y/l9wCot3O8YoS7Alj3YbQTJtIpDvCJRIDZdiMaAOe9Gu+T5N9fmlO1I= $ defi-cli signmessage 8ePWDDAvSJWHPZvEGP9Vk4oov1jiXdXU7W "dfip-2202-a-yes" H/29Azoj2M7m0RSsAdE89OQRuKWSV6gGLOpG4N0Xn/OoT77L5C2r0q3BQxomMg1m13T51V1Ukdgygj/V3DefspY=

dfi4e commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8YRZtzSwxJVur5TrAELBiphRkSfLhvWJKX "dfip-2202-a-yes" H8ye8GCTdQYLFsZi7wkv/AYjJ78w+MHB8+sQPJTqCzthJtqZe8xCbW1nwvwTKTzBAwL9fqIbbX2MYX2te12/2zw= $ defi-cli signmessage 8dcK9Ds9L8M7WTwEsM3KkyVbWTG8xwCoju "dfip-2202-a-yes" HyEjLJ+6qegCRTMqTH2E03t5pYEkLRRaB/qFa5LeKVCgJ3QzrtcBbNvjVwxM640iiIPXjynuefHu68mpgqi9Z2s= $ defi-cli signmessage 8aLJQZFr9sNDucxcwrf47uhxUrJQZ5sUEt "dfip-2202-a-yes" IGpXIl5muuMFo1R9VgwZ/Z2gvNGqkxNNksS85cBQdBlJCosus+LVH8E27LxbGlRfPMeNmvUUON1LkB+1aQXbiWc= $ defi-cli signmessage 8R9csfZCewFFw2RFpmc7jXUauJJpu9eR6J "dfip-2202-a-yes" IKaJYvr9l3J68COtH5CmLt3wXCI/uYUQlr7fnqjDE10uDXI9z26XC2SZn3GoYoNZAIH9HO3emAzbZYsM/VVhq9c= $ defi-cli signmessage 8bVd1g5rhrVu5s5UAc7oq6rvWwLhChUQaU "dfip-2202-a-yes" H5Q84Oz9hlQ/buLWxl3pf42seTX+iOBu2VyYim825+ZfJ36Pp6nKw3JHLhIVryHI9IlY11TjHYDkvc9/E92KcZs=

MaOh2511 commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8P2iwHkMPpnftdHGvTzfjQWVijFJqAejfG "dfip-2202-a-no" IMeLRB3wjDYLk3Qh/yS04T51Xs6dfIb2QsCvqERNxQ5cPxvgXdUTHC98nL5fXkl7DWs2TJ6vynTJdSTRXuGnqA0=

TrePhoenix commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8WYgBxs8bXQkbiXKnZCe8utjDvuceaDGY1 "dfip-2202-a-no" H4gWs1qyPmug7JwBgTmBrme9fZ8TN42WlFRDmG51/AYqXAA8s0AwRGorRO0veNGDiJhhEyq7INhQUZZOWxS8e7o= $ defi-cli signmessage 8P12uj5e3hsYYLTJXKxhqDjKdCJxtfGxfL "dfip-2202-a-no" IGDJNh11u7IlGavT0uaGkirHxumYbFOiem63rknthUbNXUeHD6O5POh2wndLkYAcORaFu7Vx2I+2Dg2keGzcDwM= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Y8higxqXK9mL5rcJDSVTTsa9Ue1VErGwy "dfip-2202-a-no" IHUBfUG3nDHBG/xnIF5UtI82GHVJcl/U/+adewo8xI0iV51uzmhQ4LDAOIIBD+4xcEGYDEZr2t6wpNofaWYecfk= $ defi-cli signmessage 8R7ZNXsQfts696kENEEnCpG62iczsVmuMx "dfip-2202-a-no" IJWPGSSOVpKxkdoaVlGeTy4prj6nVfFuwAAAbchs+bZKGNVrQOYRScm85P2UhQOJGtRkBP68A5FrspPcUJFVhuo= $ defi-cli signmessage 8YqjTCe6LucbZ95searWHrQcXA35eV1Xin "dfip-2202-a-no" IOxbJQC/yf/aiOZNtAaTEccXwPaVz8D5sEiPHW0K21v5W9HtknOIVFq+j1t6rTrGLcjH2S2ehX/ewmcj4MW2xbA=

4oi5n commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8auUDhQZhoq3VvndrNh1JHVUEwwVfjEHPu "dfip-2202-a-yes" H7D53alDOeGLcC4llKIoRevx00CKVIUumieK6wEznvh4NRNXRjkXVcnGn3w/gn4J+6WhAftLkc5+4jNa4jAFQn4= $ defi-cli signmessage 8dhESKsSiFtNGvWprruoiusM2iWCqQA28v "dfip-2202-a-yes" IEZMFj1+RsUUIE+bZKCTpLwGYjhuYAa785MIbXBABpW+O/a9AP5FxKihAg9lJjZ5ma5aJCnIoKA21WdZsVlp9k8= $ defi-cli signmessage 8Mb4DjnUeWUEzxiHxBDvgteM6gWEp467Ki "dfip-2202-a-yes" IHOoF0u55UFYPPe85/nDVzEtg/8Qbw2T/Z8y/6qvEwpBDgZRHz+028Ikzxt1H27rixMwg+XrXrkl5Nwk7bJN6rQ= $ defi-cli signmessage 8VPoToWdZFNf6oTryZNVSJpL9hdrYMXwqy "dfip-2202-a-yes" H6FQzUifiGrrvR0AteVAEvUp34pCqcO1AAJA90baStgmJmQo46ZJ8WW8CpHz+ewqouEefGNaWEwnd++xOAaSamY= $ defi-cli signmessage 8RcPSc794gtawceiQ8wvZgqSf397D3UoQg "dfip-2202-a-yes" II08qm6SSG1aGzxfmzc4yXQ2GqsBFUXqdEVWFh5j/r0+AYl5VlxWkEdB2PrHGsYO0XinJklZ3A+cc2hyQbC9GBw=

BleepMaster commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8Yxyb35uFVypauitXLtUiy5QoFM49nLRwc "dfip-2202-a-yes" ICpJf9qOKQY1LVAs1DeQZMfUg8f+ZoadHG1rnlopJlc6Lv5BGVQD0CnsE3jVI4XtI7snkHbhfUQ6ACTG5w9UfzU=

defichain-mn-8P24-krmb commented 2 years ago

$ defi-cli signmessage 8P24qRzccs9FJXkqrrzPZGa2aNXxqBkrmb dfip-2202-a-yes H1K1kiElDfYIrqMDH/gDo0veH56HgCkrVA7AMMDmC1bWI8aOJn+To9RCoYXJUP3o0eR+kzVfFrjwQoauNDZXoPk=