DeLightCMU / RSC

This is the official implementation of Self-Challenging Improves Cross-Domain Generalization, ECCV2020
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Reasoning & Effects for batch part in the forward pass of #4

Closed SirRob1997 closed 4 years ago

SirRob1997 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys,

I've worked through the code in and found line 152 - 172 (see below) in addition to the spatial and channel RSC.

            # ----------------------------------- batch ----------------------------------------
            cls_prob_before = F.softmax(output, dim=1)
            x_new_view_after = x_new * mask_all
            x_new_view_after = self.avgpool(x_new_view_after)
            x_new_view_after = x_new_view_after.view(x_new_view_after.size(0), -1)
            x_new_view_after = self.class_classifier(x_new_view_after)
            cls_prob_after = F.softmax(x_new_view_after, dim=1)

            sp_i = torch.ones([2, num_rois]).long()
            sp_i[0, :] = torch.arange(num_rois)
            sp_i[1, :] = index
            sp_v = torch.ones([num_rois])
            one_hot_sparse = torch.sparse.FloatTensor(sp_i, sp_v, torch.Size([num_rois, class_num])).to_dense().cuda()
            before_vector = torch.sum(one_hot_sparse * cls_prob_before, dim=1)
            after_vector = torch.sum(one_hot_sparse * cls_prob_after, dim=1)
            change_vector = before_vector - after_vector - 0.0001
            change_vector = torch.where(change_vector > 0, change_vector, torch.zeros(change_vector.shape).cuda())
            th_fg_value = torch.sort(change_vector, dim=0, descending=True)[0][int(round(float(num_rois) * 1/3))]
            drop_index_fg =
            ignore_index_fg = 1 - drop_index_fg
            not_01_ignore_index_fg = ignore_index_fg.nonzero()[:, 0]
            mask_all[not_01_ignore_index_fg.long(), :] = 1

This part is not described in the paper and I don't know what is the reasoning behind it as well as the effect of excluding it. From my understanding, you determine the effect of your method and drop it if it doesn't help. Is this necessary? How much does this improve performance?

I guess this was added during the reviews and hence is not included in the original paper.

Best, Robin