DeNA / Chainer_Realtime_Multi-Person_Pose_Estimation

Chainer version of Realtime Multi-Person Pose Estiamtion
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Is this line wrong ? found_subset_1[-2:] += score # connectionの積分値のみ加算(jointのscoreはmerge時に全て加算済み) #36

Open TreB1eN opened 5 years ago

TreB1eN commented 5 years ago

Hello, I may have a question about the following line in line 217:

found_subset_1[-2:] += score # connectionの積分値のみ加算(jointのscoreはmerge時に全て加算済み)

Isn't this one should be: found_subset_1[-2] += score ?

found_subset_1[-1] means the total count of added joints, there is no point to add a float score into it

Thank you !